Design patterns
- Application patterns
- Single window pattern
- Call control
- Process flow ( guided maintenance )
- Object-oriented patterns
- Creational design patterns
- Singleton
- Multiton
- Abstract factory
- Builder
- Factory
- Lazy initialization
- Prototype
- Structural design patterns
- Bridge
- Adapter
- Composite
- Data access object
- Decorator
- Facade
- Flyweight
- Property container
- Proxy
- Chain of responsibility
- Behavior design patterns
- Strategy
- Command
- Mediator
- Memento
- Observer
- Servant
- State
- Template method
- Visitor
- Iterator
- Object-oriented programming
- SA patterns
- Other
- А должен ли это быть микросервис? Имейте в виду шесть факторов (09.09.2021)
Application patterns
§1 Single window pattern
A single window pattern is used to arrange/collect functions and processes related to the object in a single application window. Examples: VELO transaction in SAP VMS, batch cockpit, and handling unit monitor in SAP ECC.
§2 Call control
The pattern is applied in the Automotive solutions from SAP to standardize the tools for different parties and make the process more traceable what is important for production and automotive industry. It consists of several entities:
- Business object;
- Internal/External status for communication and management;
- Action which encapsulates a separate business function changing the state of the business object;
- The matrix which states the allowed behavior ( business processes ).
§3 Process flow ( guided maintenance )
To be added.
Object-oriented design
Design Principles
- Open Close Principle: open for extension but closed for modifications.
- Dependency Inversion Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle: When we write our interfaces we should take care to add only methods that should be there.
- Single Responsibility Principle: This principle states that if we have 2 reasons to change for a class, we have to split the functionality into two classes.
- Liskov's Substitution Principle
========================Creational design patterns========================
Ensure that only one instance of a class is created and provide a global point of access to the object:
- a static member in the "Singleton" class,
- a private constructor and a static public method that returns a reference to the static member.
Examples: Logger Classes, Configuration Classes, Accessing resources in shared mode, Factories implemented as Singletons.
As part of this article, I would first recap on how to setup your class to achieve Singleton design pattern. After that, we jump on to a simple example using the Singleton in Sales Order processing. Before we start, take a look at how the sequence UML would look like:
Create a Global class in SE24. When you create the class, select the Private as Instantiation. This control how object is instantiated. In other words this controls where CREATE OBJECT statement for this object can be written. Since for Singleton you want to get the same object back if it was already created earlier, you need to control how the object is setup. Thus, you would need to select Private as Instantiation.
Next you need to create an attribute which would hold the reference of the object. This needs to be Static as it needs to hold the object reference throughout the Session or Transaction. Now create a method to streamline the object creation. Since we already declared the object instantiation as Private, we need to instantiate the object within the class itself. This method would be responsible to do exactly that. You would need to add a return parameter to this message so object can be passed back to the client. I always prefer to call this method as GET_OBJECT. So, whenever I see GET_OBJECT, I know that this is Singleton – at least in my development. In implementation of the method GET_OBJECT, we check if the object already BOUND, use that otherwise create a new one.METHOD GET_OBJECT. " returning value(RO_OBJECT) type ref to ZCL_SO_ADD_DETAILS . * IF zcl_so_add_details=>o_singleton IS NOT BOUND. CREATE OBJECT zcl_so_add_details=>o_singleton. ENDIF. * ro_object = zcl_so_add_details=>o_singleton . ENDMETHOD.
FORM userexit_move_field_to_vbak. DATA: lo_add_data TYPE REF TO zcl_so_add_details. lo_add_data = zcl_so_add_details=>get_object( ). lo_add_data->set_header_fields( vbak ). ENDFORM. "userexit_move_field_to_vbak * FORM userexit_move_field_to_vbap. DATA: lo_add_data TYPE REF TO zcl_so_add_details. lo_add_data = zcl_so_add_details=>get_object( ). lo_add_data->set_item_fields( vbap ). ENDFORM. "userexit_move_field_to_vbap * FORM userexit_save_document. DATA: lo_add_data TYPE REF TO zcl_so_add_details. lo_add_data = zcl_so_add_details=>get_object( ). lo_add_data->save_data( ). ENDFORM. "userexit_save_document
The same as the Singleton, the difference instead of on an instance the class will comprise a static array of objects with the key.Abstract factory
Use: Produce families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes.
- Abstract Factory pattern suggests is to explicitly declare interfaces for each distinct product of the product family
- Make all variants of products follow those interfaces (concrete class).
- Declare the Abstract Factory: an interface with a list of creation methods for all products that are part of the product family.
- These methods must return abstract product types represented by the interfaces we extracted previously
- For each variant of a product family, we create a separate factory class based on the AbstractFactory interface.A factory is a class that returns products of a particular kind.
Example: Product families and their variants ({chair, sofa, table}, {art, modern, classic}).
Create a complex object by splitting the process of creation into meaningful steps:
- The Builder class specifies an abstract interface for creating parts of a Product object.
- The ConcreteBuilder constructs and puts together parts of the product by implementing the Builder interface. It defines and keeps track of the representation it creates and provides an interface for saving the product.
- The Director class constructs the complex object using the Builder interface.
- The Product represents the complex object that is being built.
- In the case of the Abstract Factory, the client uses the factory's methods to create its own objects.
- In the Builder case, the Builder class is instructed on how to create the object and then it is asked for it, but the way that the class is put together is up to the Builder class.
ro_obj =
SWITCH #( iv_output_type
WHEN 'ZABC' THEN NEW ophandler_zabc( )
WHEN 'ZXYZ' THEN NEW ophandler_zxyz( )
ELSE THROW cx_sy_no_handler( )
ro_obj =
SWITCH #( iv_output_type
WHEN 'ZABC' THEN NEW ophandler_zabc( )
WHEN 'ZXYZ' THEN NEW ophandler_zxyz( )
ELSE THROW cx_sy_no_handler( )
Lazy initialization
Postpone creation of an object until the first access.
PROGRAM znp_dp_prototype. * CLASS lcl_report_data DEFINITION ABSTRACT. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: clone ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(ro_object) TYPE REF TO lcl_report_data. METHODS: select_data ABSTRACT. ENDCLASS. "lcl_report_data DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_detail_report_data DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_report_data. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: clone REDEFINITION. METHODS: select_data REDEFINITION. DATA: t_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t100. ENDCLASS. "lcl_detail_report_data DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_detail_report_data IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD select_data. SELECT * FROM t100 INTO TABLE t_data UP TO 20 ROWS WHERE sprsl = sy-langu. ENDMETHOD. "select_Data METHOD clone. * instantiate a new object * Declaring a temp variable helps to set all the attributes * by its name and allows to call the methods of the subclass * itself as RO_OBJECT is defined wrt to Super class DATA: lo_object TYPE REF TO lcl_detail_report_data. CREATE OBJECT lo_object. * list down all the attributes which needs to be copied over lo_object->t_data = me->t_data. * Set it to return object ro_object = lo_object. ENDMETHOD. "clone ENDCLASS. "lcl_detail_report_data IMPLEMENTATION * CLASS lcl_main DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: run. ENDCLASS. "lcl_main DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_main IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD run. DATA: lo_report TYPE REF TO lcl_report_data. CREATE OBJECT lo_report TYPE lcl_detail_report_data. lo_report->select_data( ). DATA: lo_rep_2 TYPE REF TO lcl_report_data. lo_rep_2 = lo_report->clone( ). ENDMETHOD. "run ENDCLASS. "lcl_main IMPLEMENTATION * START-OF-SELECTION. lcl_main=>run( ).
========================Structural design patterns========================
The bridge is a structural design pattern that let us to split a large class or a set of closely related classes into two separate hierarchies—abstraction and implementation—which can be developed independently of each other.
Example with a shape and color. How many combinations can we have?
The Bridge pattern attempts to solve this problem by switching from inheritance to the object composition. As the number of cases on each side of the bridge increases, the advantage of
using the bridge design pattern becomes more and more significant.
using the bridge design pattern becomes more and more significant.
Adapter converts the objects which are incompatible due to the difference in the “Interface”. By implementing Adapter, we can allow classes to work together, which can’t work without implementing the Adapter.REPORT ZNP_DP_ADAPTER. * INTERFACE lif_output. METHODS: generate_output. ENDINTERFACE. "lif_output * CLASS simple_op DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: lif_output. ENDCLASS. "simple_op DEFINITION * CLASS simple_op IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD lif_output~generate_output. WRITE: / 'Simple Output - just using WRITE'. ENDMETHOD. "lif_output~generate_output ENDCLASS. "simple_op IMPLEMENTATION * CLASS tree_output DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: generate_tree. ENDCLASS. "tree_output DEFINITION * CLASS tree_output IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD generate_tree. WRITE: / 'Creating Tree ... using CL_GUI_ALV_TREE'. ENDMETHOD. "generate_tree ENDCLASS. "tree_output IMPLEMENTATION * CLASS new_complex_op DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: lif_output. ENDCLASS. "new_complex_op DEFINITION * CLASS new_complex_op IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD lif_output~generate_output. DATA: o_tree_op TYPE REF TO tree_output. CREATE OBJECT o_tree_op. o_tree_op->generate_tree( ). ENDMETHOD. "lif_output~generate_output ENDCLASS. "new_complex_op IMPLEMENTATION * START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: o_op TYPE REF TO lif_output. CREATE OBJECT o_op TYPE simple_op. o_op->generate_output( ). * using the same "simple" Interface to perform the "complex", * Since Client only wants to use Simple interface .. CREATE OBJECT o_op TYPE new_complex_op. o_op->generate_output( ).
Sometimes we have to deal with Hierarchical or Tree type of data. The data which are related with each other and form a type of hierarchy. We can write the recursive logic to process related entries.Data access object
If there are different data sources for the same object type, a data access object isolates the data operation logic from the business logic through a common data interface.
- Create a class as a Value object list;
- Create a Data Access Object Interface;
- Create Data Access Object concrete classes to extract data for each data source and set the interface to them for implementation.
The decorator is useful when the state of a single object needs to be modified for multiple purposes. Each change is isolated in a separate class.DATA: lo_obj TYPE REF TOobject,
lo_decorator TYPE REF TO zif_decorator,
lt_cls TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF seometarel-clsname.
SELECT clsname INTO TABLE lt_cls
FROM seometarel WHERE refclsname eq ‘ZIF_DECORATOR’.
LOOP AT lt_clsnameASSIGNINGFIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_clsname>).
CREATE OBJECT lo_obj TYPE(<lv_clsname>).
lo_decorator->decorate(CHANGING cs_data = ls_data).
The decorators to be called dynamically during runtime.
The aim of the façade design pattern is to provide an access point to a complex set of classes. Depending on the complexity, the facade can be designed as a new singleton class or like a static method of a toolkit class.Example
REPORT z_np_dp_facade. * CLASS lcl_data DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: constructor. ENDCLASS. "lcl_Data DEFINITION * INTERFACE lif_write. METHODS: write_data. ENDINTERFACE. "lif_write DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_write_alv DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: lif_write. ENDCLASS. "lcl_write_alv DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_write_log DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: lif_write. ENDCLASS. "lcl_write_log DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_facade DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: process_report IMPORTING iv_write_type TYPE char1. ENDCLASS. "lcl_facade DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_data IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. WRITE: / 'Getting Data'. ENDMETHOD. "constructor ENDCLASS. "lcl_Data IMPLEMENTATION * CLASS lcl_write_alv IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD lif_write~write_data. WRITE: / 'Writing data in ALV'. ENDMETHOD. "lif_write~write_Data ENDCLASS. "lcl_write_alv IMPLEMENTATION * CLASS lcl_write_log IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD lif_write~write_data. WRITE: / 'writing data in Log'. ENDMETHOD. "lif_write~write_Data ENDCLASS. "lcl_write_log IMPLEMENTATION * CLASS lcl_facade IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD process_report. DATA: lo_data TYPE REF TO lcl_data. CREATE OBJECT lo_data. DATA: lo_write TYPE REF TO lif_write. IF iv_write_type = 'A'. CREATE OBJECT lo_write TYPE lcl_write_alv. ELSE. CREATE OBJECT lo_write TYPE lcl_write_log. ENDIF. lo_write->write_data( ). ENDMETHOD. "process_report ENDCLASS. "lcl_facade IMPLEMENTATION START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: lo_facade TYPE REF TO lcl_facade. CREATE OBJECT lo_facade. lo_facade->process_report( iv_write_type = 'A' ).
Flyweight makes sense if you foresee a large number of similar objects. Flyweight objects are usually created using a factory method, and the factory method.
Property container
A property container is a package of variables passed around between classes. A property container usually goes with a companion to the decorator design pattern.Proxy
The proxy design pattern is about wrapping an existing class with a new one, where the wrapper preserves the interface but behaves differently.
What problems can the Proxy design pattern solve?
- Access to an object should be controlled.
- The additional functionality should be provided when accessing an object.
When accessing sensitive objects, for example, it should be possible to check that clients have the needed access rights.
REPORT znp_dp_proxy. * INTERFACE lif_data. DATA: t_t100 TYPE tt_t100. METHODS: get_data IMPORTING iv_spras TYPE spras OPTIONAL CHANGING ct_data TYPE tt_t100. METHODS: write_data. ENDINTERFACE. "lif_data * CLASS lcl_proxy_data DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: lif_data. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: o_t100_data TYPE REF TO lif_data. ENDCLASS. "lcl_proxy_Data DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_t100_data DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: lif_data. ENDCLASS. "lcl_t100_Data DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_proxy_data IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD lif_data~get_data. * validations IF iv_spras NE sy-langu. EXIT. ENDIF. * Authority check * some other check * instantiate "Real" Object CREATE OBJECT o_t100_data TYPE lcl_t100_data. o_t100_data->get_data( EXPORTING iv_spras = iv_spras CHANGING ct_data = ct_data ). ENDMETHOD. "lif_data~get_data METHOD lif_data~write_data. IF o_t100_data IS NOT BOUND. WRITE:/ 'No data to display'. ELSE. o_t100_data->write_data( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "lif_data~write_Data ENDCLASS. "lcl_proxy_Data IMPLEMENTATION * CLASS lcl_t100_data IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD lif_data~get_data. * This process takes very long time to * get the data. You can imagine this happening * when accessing big tables without index. SELECT * FROM t100 INTO TABLE lif_data~t_t100 UP TO 20 ROWS WHERE sprsl = iv_spras. ct_data = lif_data~t_t100. ENDMETHOD. "lif_data~get_data METHOD lif_data~write_data. DATA: lv_lines TYPE i. lv_lines = LINES( lif_data~t_t100 ). WRITE: / 'Total lines',lv_lines. ENDMETHOD. "lif_data~write_Data ENDCLASS. "lcl_t100_Data IMPLEMENTATION * CLASS lcl_main_app DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: run. ENDCLASS. "lcl_main_app DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_main_app IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD run. DATA: lo_proxy TYPE REF TO lif_data. DATA: lt_data TYPE tt_t100. * CREATE OBJECT lo_proxy TYPE lcl_proxy_data. lo_proxy->get_data( EXPORTING iv_spras = 'D' CHANGING ct_data = lt_data ). lo_proxy->write_data( ). * CREATE OBJECT lo_proxy TYPE lcl_proxy_data. lo_proxy->get_data( EXPORTING iv_spras = sy-langu CHANGING ct_data = lt_data ). lo_proxy->write_data( ). ENDMETHOD. "run ENDCLASS. "lcl_main_app IMPLEMENTATION * START-OF-SELECTION. lcl_main_app=>run( ).
Chain of responsibility
A chain of responsibility might be used when you have many potential classes to handle a request but you do not know which should handle it. Each class inspects the request and either handle it or forwards it to the next candidate.
========================Behavior design patterns========================
Use: Having multiple algorithms to share the same interface.
- Create an interface to cover all algorithms with the method ‘calculate’;
- Decide how to pass the data to the strategy object:
- In the form of internal tables, working areas, variables, and objects
- Passing the context object itself
- Decide if the algorithms' classes have the same. If it is, then creates an abstract intermediate class for that;
- Create a class for each algorithm and implement the method ‘calculate’;
- Create an object using the interface based on the criteria, a sample:
- DATA: lo_obj TYPE REF TO object.
- DATA: lo_obj TYPE REF TO zif_strategy.
- DATA(lv_class) = COND seoclasname( WHEN.. , THEN ..)
- CREATE OBJECT lo_obj TYPE lv_class.
- strategy ?= lo_obj.
- strategy->calculate().
Provide a central point that administers how objects interact.
We have an abstract super class MYFUNCTION. We created event handler method ON_STATE_CHANGED for the event STATE_CHANGED of class MAINPROCESS. We inherite two classes MYALV and MYDB from it. We redefine the methods to refresh their status.
If you have several methods to be shared among multiple unrelated classes, put them inside of a servant class instead of copying and pasting them into each and every client. The servant classes are useful for small utility methods.
- Create a servant class (utility, service)l
- Create an interface to group classes to be served for;
- Add attributes (with the interface type) and implementation;
- Add classes where the servant class should be used and set the interface to them.
Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class. This pattern will reduce conditional statements and reduce duplication.
- Define an interface containing the methods that should act differently depending on the state;
- Create an implementation of the interface for each possible state;
- Set up the main class so it uses the corresponding state class depending on the state itself.
Template method
Developing the classes that work mostly on the same logic but have small deviations.A template method defines an algorithm in a base class using abstract operations that subclasses override to provide concrete behavior.
- Abstract Class:
- defines abstract primitive operations (#PROTECTED SECTION) that concrete subclasses define to implement steps of an algorithm. It's important when designing template methods to minimize the number of primitive methods that a subclass must override in order to provide a clear easy way to implement concrete templates.
- implements a template method (#FINAL it should not be overridden) which defines the skeleton of an algorithm and calls primitive operations as well as operations defined in AbstractClass or those of other objects.
- Concrete Class implements the primitive operations (#REDEFINITION) to carry out subclass-specific steps of the algorithm.
Template Method and Strategy Design Pattern: The difference consists in the fact that Strategy uses delegation while the Template Methods uses the inheritance.
Iterator design pattern is to provide a way to access the underlying object collection without exposing the underlying representations. Iterator decouples the logic to access the collection of objects out of the Collection object itselft. This decoupling provides added adavantage while traversing through the different type of collection objects.We should try to implement Iterator because,
When it comes to implementing service-oriented architecture (SOA), there is a wide range of technologies that can be used, depending on what your end goal is and what you’re trying to accomplish.
- We could create as many iterator as we want to traverse objects in the different sequence.
- Linked List Object collection – When we need to use the Linked List type of the object collection, it would be difficult for every client to implement the accessing algorithm. Rather than that, we can create the Iterator and all clients can straight away use Iterator to access any object collection – ITAB or Linked List.
Object-oriented programming
FINAL prevents the class from having any further subclasses.
CREATE PUBLIC means any program, class, etc. can create an instance of this class freely.
Public, private, and protected (Any variable or method defined here can be accessed by the subclasses only) sections.
The distinction of public/protected/private sections is traditionally called encapsulation.
Polymorphism is the ability to present the same interface for different underlying classes.\
#Superclass (inheritance is about re-using the code of the parent class)
CREATE PUBLIC means any program, class, etc. can create an instance of this class freely.
Public, private, and protected (Any variable or method defined here can be accessed by the subclasses only) sections.
The distinction of public/protected/private sections is traditionally called encapsulation.
Polymorphism is the ability to present the same interface for different underlying classes.\
#Superclass (inheritance is about re-using the code of the parent class)
#Abstract Class used to make a partial implementation and to let the subclasses complete what is missing.
- The methods that must be redefined are marked as ABSTRACT
- The methods that can optionally be redefined are not marked at all,
- The methods that should not be redefined are marked as FINAL.
A class can implement multiple interfaces.
Usually, we should start from the most abstract level and move down to the concrete level.
If we are implementing an interface into an abstract class, you can define which methods are abstract (must be implemented by subclasses) or final (must be implemented by the abstract class).
Usually, we should start from the most abstract level and move down to the concrete level.
If we are implementing an interface into an abstract class, you can define which methods are abstract (must be implemented by subclasses) or final (must be implemented by the abstract class).
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a style of software design where services are provided to the other components by application components, through a communication protocol over a network. Its principles are independent of vendors and other technologies. In service oriented architecture, a number of services communicate with each other, in one of two ways: through passing data or through two or more services coordinating an activity.
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a style of software design where services are provided to the other components by application components, through a communication protocol over a network. Its principles are independent of vendors and other technologies. In service oriented architecture, a number of services communicate with each other, in one of two ways: through passing data or through two or more services coordinating an activity.
Service-Oriented Architecture Patterns
There are three roles in each of the Service-Oriented Architecture building blocks: - service provider;
- service broker, service registry, service repository; a
- nd service requester/consumer.
The service provider works in conjunction with the service registry, debating the whys and hows of the services being offered, such as security, availability, what to charge, and more. This role also determines the service category and if there need to be any trading agreements.
The service broker makes information regarding the service available to those requesting it. The scope of the broker is determined by whoever implements it.
The service requester locates entries in the broker registry and then binds them to the service provider. They may or may not be able to access multiple services; that depends on the capability of the service requester.
- service provider;
- service broker, service registry, service repository; a
- nd service requester/consumer.
The service provider works in conjunction with the service registry, debating the whys and hows of the services being offered, such as security, availability, what to charge, and more. This role also determines the service category and if there need to be any trading agreements.
The service broker makes information regarding the service available to those requesting it. The scope of the broker is determined by whoever implements it.
The service requester locates entries in the broker registry and then binds them to the service provider. They may or may not be able to access multiple services; that depends on the capability of the service requester.
Implementing Service-Oriented Architecture
When it comes to implementing service-oriented architecture (SOA), there is a wide range of technologies that can be used, depending on what your end goal is and what you’re trying to accomplish.
Typically, Service-Oriented Architecture is implemented with web services, which makes the “functional building blocks accessible over standard internet protocols.”
An example of a web service standard is SOAP, which stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. In a nutshell, SOAP “is a messaging protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks. Although SOAP wasn’t well-received at first, since 2003 it has gained more popularity and is becoming more widely used and accepted. Other options for implementing Service-Oriented Architecture include Jini, COBRA, or REST.
It’s important to note that architectures can “operate independently of specific technologies,” which means they can be implemented in a variety of ways, including messaging, such as ActiveMQ; Apache Thrift; and SORCER.
Differences Between Service-Oriented Architecture and Microservices
Microservices, also known as Microservice Architecture, is an “architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small autonomous services, modeled around a business domain.”
While microservices and Service-Oriented Architecture are similar in some ways, the key differences come in their functionality. Services is, obviously, the main component of both. There are four basic types of services:
- Functional service: these define core business operations
- Enterprise service: these implement the functionality defined by the functional services
- Application service: these are confined to specific application content
- Infrastructure service: implements non-functional tasks such as authentication, auditing, security, and logging
As you can see, each of these services builds on the one before it, creating a system that is not only easy to use, but provides you with a variety of ways to manage your business. As with any functionality, it’s a matter of figuring out what works best for you and your business.
While microservices and Service-Oriented Architecture are similar in some ways, the key differences come in their functionality. Services is, obviously, the main component of both. There are four basic types of services:
- Functional service: these define core business operations
- Enterprise service: these implement the functionality defined by the functional services
- Application service: these are confined to specific application content
- Infrastructure service: implements non-functional tasks such as authentication, auditing, security, and logging
SA patterns
Every system has an architecture — some high-level structure that underlies
the whole system. Software architecture is how the pieces fit together to build
the solution to some business or technical need that your customer or client
wants solved. The architecture has a purpose.
The decisions made during the creation of the architecture are truly fundamental to the system because they set the stage for all the other decisions
that will come later.
- Components of software architecture
- Goals and philosophy of the system
- Architectural assumptions and dependencies
- Architecturally significant requirements
- Packaging instructions for subsystems and components
- Critical subsystems and layers
- References to architecturally significant design elements
- Critical system interfaces
- Key scenarios that describe critical behavior of the system
All the components in the preceding section go into an architecture document, which contains the information needed to interpret the architecture.
- Logical: Maps the system onto classes and components.
- Process: Explains how the parts of the architecture work together and how the parts stay synchronized.
- Physical: Explains how the software that implements the system is mapped onto the computing platforms.
- Development: Explains how the software will be managed during development.
The problems that you solve with software architectures have four main
- Function: Describes the problem to be solved
- Form: Describes the shape of the solution and how it fits into the environment of other systems and technologies
- Economy: Describes how much it costs to build, operate, and maintain the solution
- Time: Describes how the problem is expected to change in the future
Based on your understanding of the problem from completing the preceding four steps, you can write a problem statement that brings in the
four attributes of function, form, economy, and time (see the preceding
section) in a way that explains it to the customer or client.
А должен ли это быть микросервис? Имейте в виду шесть факторов
- Различные скорости изменений
- Части вашей системы должны развиваться с разной скоростью или в разных направлениях? Тогда разделите их на микросервисы. Это позволит каждому компоненту иметь свой независимый жизненный цикл.
- Независимые жизненные циклы
- Если модуль обладает полностью независимым жизненным циклом (имеется в виду от фиксации кода до продакшена), то он должен быть микросервисом. У него будет свой собственный репозиторий кода, CI/CD пайплайн и так далее.
- Независимая масштабируемость
- Если характеристики нагрузки или пропускной способности частей системы различны, они могут иметь разные требования к масштабированию. Решение: разделите эти компоненты на независимые микросервисы! Таким образом, сервисы могут масштабироваться с разной скоростью.
- Изолированный сбой
- Иногда мы хотим изолировать наше приложение от определенного типа сбоев. Например, что произойдет, если у нас есть зависимость от внешнего сервиса, который не соответствует нашим требованиям по доступности? Можно создать микросервис, чтобы изолировать эту зависимость от остальной системы. Затем встроим соответствующие механизмы обхода отказа в эту службу.
- Микросервисы могут действовать как косвенный уровень, чтобы изолировать вас от сторонней зависимости. Вместо того чтобы напрямую вызывать зависимость, можно разместить слой абстракции (который мы контролируем) между основным приложением и зависимостью. Кроме того, мы можем построить этот слой так, чтобы он был легким для потребления нашим приложением, скрывая сложность зависимости. Если в будущем ситуация изменится - и вам придется мигрировать - ваши изменения ограничатся только фасадом, а не более масштабным рефакторингом.
- С микросервисами команды могут свободно использовать предпочитаемые стеки технологий. Иногда бизнес-требования соответствуют конкретному выбору технологии. В других случаях это обусловлено предпочтениями разработчиков и их привычками.
Please, let us know, if you have yours patterns you use for ABAP development.