Material & Service master

  • Material master 
    • EAN/ UPC/ and others
    • Product hierarchy 
    • Batch input programs for master data load/change
  • Service master
    • Service master record
    • Model service specification
    • Standard Service Catalog

Material master 

Product hierarchy 

The material master, you can enter the hierarchical classification of the product. This is very useful in pricing and statistical analysis. The hierarchy is broken down into different levels. Each level signifies a certain characteristic of the product.

Maintaining a product hierarchy

The Product Hierarchy field appears in the material master view Sales: Sales Org 2. To maintain the value, use transaction code MM01 (Create Mode)or MM02 (Change Mode).

Based on the structure of your product line, you can create your own product hierarchy. The standard SAP system offers a three-tiered product hierarchy. Level 1 and level 2 are five digits each. Level 3 is eight digits long (and is called the 5/5/8 schema).
Thus, the total length of hierarchy adds up to 18 digits.

Customizing a product hierarchy

To configure the product hierarchy, the path is a\s follows: IMG > Logistics – General > Material MasterSettings For Key Fields > Data Relevant For Sales and Distribution > Define Product Hierarchies>Maintenance: Product Hierarchy (V/76).If the SAP standard schema (5/5/8) meets the requirements of your organization, you can maintain the hierarchy levels in this transaction. You can add new entries to set up the various levels in your product hierarchy. When you enter a hierarchy code, the level number is determined automatically by the system based on the number of characters you have entered. For example, if you enter a five-character entry, the system determines the level number as 1. Similarly, a 10-character entry would be level 2. Level 3 would have 18-character records.Let us discuss this further with the example of Galaxy Musical Instruments, which has adopted the standard 5/5/8 schema for its musical instrument inventory.

2900561 - The field Product Hierarchy (MARA-PRDHA) does not appear in transaction MM01, MM02 or MM03

Material type SERV is a special type and when it is used for material creation the screen seq. SR is called.

Transaction OMT3E
  1. Screen sequence control
  2. 01 * SERV * SR SSq for Mat. type SERV
  3. Check the fields displayed for screen sequence SR

Transaction OMT3
  1. Highlight screen sequence SR
  2. Double click on Data screens
  3. Select Basic Data 1 view
  4. Double click on Subscreens
  5. Select View Datascreen
  6. The mentioned field MARA-PRDHA is not added to this screen sequence so these won't appear in transaction MM01 / MM02 or MM03

EAN/ UPC/ and others

ASIN: Every item that is in the amazon product catalog is assigned a unique ASIN. If you create a new listing, it will get a new ASIN. If you’re a wholesaler listing on an existing catalog item, you’re listing on an existing ASIN. In short, each item that comes up in search is a unique product detail page, and it has an ASIN.

Variations of the same product still have a unique ASIN for each variation. For example, if you’re creating 2 variations for baseball caps, by color, Red and Blue, you’d have 3 ASIN’s: 1 for Red, 1 for Blue, and 1 for the parent item that binds the two together, but is never seen in search.

To sell an ASIN, you create an “offer” so that your offer can be listed on that ASIN’s product detail page. On popular wholesale items, there can be a hundred different offers per ASIN.

SKU:SKU is short for Stock Keeping Unit – it’s what you call the product in your system. You can use whatever naming convention you want here. A lot of people use a pattern like Brand-Model-FulfillmentMethod to name their products. Always ensure you make SKU’s mean something so that when you see it in a list, you’ll know what product/variation it’s talking about. Every time you create a new offer for an ASIN, you’ll be asked to provide a unique SKU.

FNSKU: The FNSKU is the alphanumeric number that is used to generate the barcode that you put on your product when you send inventory to the FBA warehouse. Each “Fulfilled by Amazon” SKU you add to Amazon will have it’s on FNSKU Barcode. You’re not required to use FNSKU’s to list on Amazon. You can also use the manufacturer barcode (UPC) that is printed on the product package.

UPC: A UPC is a Universal Product Code. Every item you buy in the supermarket has one, it’s what they scan at checkout. UPC’s are purchased, from GS1, who holds the rights to distribute them, and anyone in the world who looks up your UPC on any system can find out what the product is. Each product on Amazon, unless you’ve been given an exemption, requires a UPC.

EAN: EAN is the European version of the UPC barcode.

An article can be carried in different units of measurement. You can create an International Article Numbers (EAN) as a unique identifier for each unit of measurement. The most important use of EANs within a company is to identify articles at the point of sale (POS) by means of barcodes. 

EAN Categories

EAN categories are used to distinguish different types of EANs, for example, instore and perishables EANs. SAP Retail supports all EAN categories. The EAN category defines the following attributes of the corresponding EAN:
  • Type/method of number assignment (internal and/or external number assignment) and details as to whether alphanumerical EANs are allowed
  • Check-digit algorithm that checks whether a check digit is required
  • Prefix (for perishables EANs)
  • Length of the EAN
You can maintain these characteristics for existing EAN categories in Customizing for the Article Master under Define characteristics for EANs. You can also define new EAN categories

Create Sales orders with EAN
in VA01 if I enter the EAN it is pulling in the SAP material.

How to allow Alphanumeric EAN? 

Material, master: Additional EAN.
  1. Create a new number object 
  2. Create a new EAN category with the new number object, mark Alphanumeric checkbox
    • We can use the Business Add-In BADI_EAN_SYSTEMATIC to assign customer-specific EAN/UPC numbers and check these using customer specifications.
      • if etyp_neu eq 'FN'.
      •       already_checked = 'X'.
      • endif.

Batch input programs for master data load/change

  • RM06BBI0 (Purchase Requisitions)
  • RMDATIND (Material Master)
  • RFBIKR00 (Vendor Masters)
  • RFBIDE00 (Customer Master)
  • RVINVB00 (Sales Order)

Service master 

Service master record

A service master record is a document that contains basic information about a service.

Important fields ( Using Transaction AC03 )
  • Material/services group
  • Tax Indicator
  • Service category
  • Unit of measure
  • Valuation class
  • A graphic could be included with the purchase order (PO) or the request for quotation (RFQ) to ensure that the service is performed correctly

Model service specification

We can maintain a model service specification, which lists out all the services or activities a contractor needs to perform. ( Using Transaction ML10 ).

Standard Service Catalog

The standard service catalog (SSC) is a record that contains service descriptions, when we do not create a service master. It allows to decrease manual effort and use the drafts and prepared texts. ( Using Transaction ML01 ).

Development part


Use this method to create new material master data or change existing material master data. Every time this method is called, data for one or more materials can be transferred.

Reference Structure for BAPI Parameters EXTENSIONIN/EXTENSIONOUT
  • First, structures BAPI_TE_<NAME> (<NAME> = MARA, MARC, MARD, MBEW, MLGN, MLGT, MVKE, MARM, MAKT) and the appropriate check structures BAPI_TE_<NAME> (<NAME> = MARAX, for example) have to be extended by the customer to include the required fields. The structures that are delivered as standard only contain the relevant key fields. When new fields are added to this structure, you should ensure that a field has the same name as the field in the database table. Furthermore, the fields in the structures BAPI_TE_<NAME> can only be CHARACTER fields. Data element BAPIUPDATE is to be used for the fields in the check structure (exception to this: key fields.)
  • Parameters EXTENSIONIN and EXTENSIONINX are used for transferring data to the method. Field STRUCTURE contains the name of the structure (for example, BAPI_TE_MARA or BAPI_TE_MARAX). This names is used to identify the work area (for example, WA_BAPI_TE_MARA or WA_BAPI_TE_MARAX) to which the data is transferred. The remaining fields in parameters EXTENSIONIN or EXTENSIONINX contain data for the key fields (for example, the material number) and the data for customer-specific fields. The number of characters reserved in both parameters for the contents of the customer-specific fields must match the number of characters for the relevant field in the work area. If the number of required characters is less, the remaining characters are left blank. Only when all characters have been filled can the contact for an additional field be transferred. Bear in mind that only data for which an appropriate indicator has been set in the work area can be updated to the database.
