Returnable Packaging Logistics [REV]

  • Returnable Transport Packaging ( vendor's property )
  • Returnable packaging ( at the customer location )
  • IS Automotive features
    • Returnable Packaging Account Statement
    • Sending
    • Receiving
  • Additional functions
    • 2686854 - Customer Returnable Packaging is not updated correctly with movements 621 / 622
Returnable transport packaging (RTP) is a kind of packaging where it can be used for more than one trips. These goods can be transported in the city, nationally or could be internationally between vendors and customers. The transport is done in pallets, drums, containers, etc. Transportation is mainly done in the automotive sector and in the consumer goods industry.

Returnable Transport Packaging (M)

Returnable transport packaging from a vendor that is stored at a location on your premises is managed as special stock and clearly assigned as belonging to the vendor.
  • RTP stocks from vendors are externally owned and are not evaluated.
  • RTP stock is always unrestricted-use stock. The stock can neither be in quality inspection nor blocked.
Use cases:
  • Posting Other Goods Receipts to Returnable Transport Packaging (RTP) Stock
    • 501, 561 M
  • Posting Returnable Transport Packaging (RTP) Quantities at Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
    • 101, 501 M
  • Transfer Posting Between Storage Locations
    • 311 M

Returnable packaging ( at the customer location )

Returnable packaging consists of materials that are stored at the customer's location but which remain the property of your company. The customer is only required to pay you for the returnable packaging if he does not return it to you by a specified time.

The stock is managed separately for each customer.
  • Material master: item cat. group is LEIH (returnable packaging) 
  • A special stock partner for processing returnable packaging when a third party is involved.
Use cases:
  • Creating a Returnable Packaging Shipment ( Enter the returnable packaging as a main item or sub-item as required. )
  • Creating a Returnable Packaging Pick-Up ( The sales document type LA, create a returns delivery)
  • Creating a Returnable Packaging Issue ( The sales document type LN )

IS Automotive features 

Returnable Packaging Account Statement

Returnable packing is managed using the special accounts and EDI interfaces.


  • Message type: ACCSTA is triggered via the output technique (Output type  ACS6 (transmission medium 6), Schema  RS0001, Application  RS, Partner function: AK, AL )


  • Inbound logical message ACCSTA (IDoc type ACCSTA01, process code ACCS).

Additional functions 

2686854 - Customer Returnable Packaging is not updated correctly with movements 621 / 622

  1. Post goods issue against delivery with movement type 621. The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock to the returnable packaging stock at a customer.
  2. In MMBE, you see the quantity has reduced in unrestricted use stock and increased in the Customer Returnable Packaging.
  3. Post another goods issue with movement 621 for the same customer. 
  4. In MMBE, the stock situation has changed.
  5. Post a goods receipt with movement 622 for the same customer.
  6. In MMBE, the stock situation has changed. 
