JIT Inbound

  • JIT inbound
  • JIT/JIS Configuration
  • Process flow
  • JITXML - XML Upload
  • JITG
  • Archivation

What are the main points about JIT inbound to consider?

  1. JIT Inbound is highly integrated into the scheduling agreement processing with JIT/JIS delivery schedules.
  2. The call control is based on actions that runs a business process with the change of the internal status and call functions.
  3. Monitor calls internally with the progress confirmation or with JIT-monitoring.
  4. Signal monitor and JIT calls corrections are available.
  5. Carry out a backflush for assembled BOM components.
  6. Group the call components of several scheduling agreements in a delivery.
  7. For summarized JIT calls create a list of operations to be shipped collectively.
  8. The integration of handling units (HUs) is to automatically pack the JIT calls on creating the delivery.
  9. Create and produce internal calls. After the production store the internal calls in a buffer storage location.
  10. Receive and process a delivery confirmation from your customer. The system creates a billing document with reference to delivery confirmation.
  11. Archive the JIT data and delete it from the database.


With sequenced JIT calls the materials called are often assembled using component lists. Apart from printing the components list, JIT Inbound does not support shop floor control. We can use BAPIs to connect a sub-system and transfer the JIT data.

JIT/JIS Configuration

Almost all JIT inbound relevant settings can be made using the transaction OJITI can be called. JIT outbound activities can be found under transaction OJITO.
  1. Set number ranges for JIT/JIS objects ( Call header, component group, call materials ( JITMA ), Production info ( JITPP ), Grouping and delivery confirmation )
  2. Print parameters. SAP standard system, there are two template forms for printing.
  3. Form JIT_ML001 for action PCOM (print component list). This form already contains fields for printing barcodes.
  4. Form JIT_R0001 for action PICK (print pick list).
  5. SAP delivers certain messages that you can assign to a message type. You should note that it is not possible to add your own messages to these messages.

Define Components Group Determination

Determine whether and with which priority the system considers specific logistic properties when it assigns the call components to the components group types.

When a call is received, the components group determination assigns the call components transmitted to a components group. The components group is then used to control the calls internally:
  • If you receive sequenced JIT calls for assemblies, assign all call components, which are necessary for the assembly, to a components group type.
  • If you receive sequenced JIT calls for discrete materials or summarized JIT calls, assign each call component to exactly one components group type.

Example: You have indicated the unloading point as obligatory and the assembly location with priority 1. The system first checks whether there are component groups that have the same unloading point as the call components. If it finds several component groups, it checks whether the assembly location matches a components group. If the system still finds several component groups it will issue an error message.

If you cannot achieve a unique assignment of the call components with this determination profile of the components group determination, realize a components group material determination using a customer exit in extension JIT03_07. This runs before the components group determination, so you can determine the components group material and possibly also the call component production version using complex logic. Also, you can check the consistency, for example.

If you have created a determination profile, you can assign it to a JIT customer in the basic data.

Derivation of the Components Group Material: determines whether the system should take the components group material from the material master record of the call component. If you do not receive the components group material of the call component from your customer, you can take it from the call component before the components group determination.
  • transfer the call component material yourself; this is useful for discrete materials
  • transfer the configurable material, which is entered in the material master record of the call component.
Note: The system carries out this transfer before the customer exit of the components group material determination. This means that you can still make changes to the components group material using the customer exit, or you can assign it a production version.

Define Bar Code Qualifier

Define the settings for the progress confirmation using bar code entry. We define the object qualifiers, which determines which attribute of an entry object you print on the bar code. This can be, for example, the external call number, grouping information or the internal components group number.

The bar code always consists of two parts:

  • The preset bar code qualifier, which specifies what the identifying attribute of the object is.
  • The bar code identifier, which specifies the actual identifying attribute of the object.
Example: You want to enter the progress confirmation for a components group with internal components group number 2345 using the bar code. The object qualifier for the internal components group number has the key 1. Consequently, the bar code 12345 must be printed on the components group.

  • POSID Internal number of components group
  • JINUM Internal number of call
  • GRPIN Grouping information call/components group
  • PRODN External call number (production number, customer-specific)
  • SEQNR Customer sequence number
  • MATNR Material number (with discrete calls)

Control Profile for Delivery

  1. Do not want to enter picking quantities when the delivery is created.
  2. Create handling units according to packing instructions or you can realize your own solution in the customer exit JIT03_02.
    • Make sure that for the sequenced JIT call (call type 'S') the packing instruction determination is based on the components group material.
  3. Carry out a logistics match of delivery confirmation, if, for example, you receive collective daily delivery notes from your JIT customer.
  4. Copy the external call number (production number) to the delivery IDoc. You can do this on the header or item level.
  5. Transfer the following data as reference numbers to the shipping notification:
    • the external call number
    • the grouping information
    • the grouping information along with the grouping index the external call number at header level and the grouping information at the item level
    • To do this you can complete E1EDL51 or E1EDL52 via a Customer Exit (enhancement: JIT08_01).
    • The status of the components group is updated when the goods issue is posted.
    • By setting this indicator you can define that the action GOIS is carried out for the components group when the goods issue is posted. If the indicator is not set, then goods issue posting does not affect the JIT calls.
  6. Status Update on Goods Issue Posting
    • Defines that the status of the components group is updated when goods issue is posted.

Control Profile for Summarized JIT Calls (SumJC)

Create a profile for the delivery of summarized JIT calls (SumJC). In this profile,
  1. Whether you want to change the quantity called in the list of operations to be shipped ( Quantity change).
  2. Whether the call items should be given a yellow or a red status light in the list, depending on the time difference from the planned delivery time.
  3. Whether the summarized JIT calls for delivery should be combined or the deliveries should be split according to call number or grouping information.
  4. Whether the ATP check should be triggered when the delivery is created.
  5. You can assign the profile to a JIT customer in the Basic data.

Control Profile for Internal Calls

Define the parameters for controlling calls, which you create in your system yourself. You produce the internal calls in advance and store them in a buffer storage location.
If a concrete JIT call is received from the customer, you can switch the components groups from the internal calls with the components groups from the customer call.

  1. First of all enter the plant and the storage location, which you want to use as the buffer storage location. If you want to pack the components groups in a handling unit before storing them, the storage location should be HU managed.
  2. If you want to switch the components groups from your customer's JIT call only with components groups from internal calls, select the indicator Switch.
  3. If you already store completed component groups in the buffer storage location and you want to switch, select the indicator.
  4. If you also want to switch the internal processing status, after switching the components groups, choose the indicator status switch.
  5. If you also want to switch the internal number of the components groups, in the status switch, select the indicator int.no.switch.

Control Profile for Handling Units (HU)

  1. Handling Units can be created in Production (action HUPP).
  2. They are automatically transferred to a delivery (action DELI).
  3. A goods receipt is automatically posted when a handling unit is created.
  4. Stocks are transferred from a storage location that does not require handling units to a storage location that does.
  5. You must have maintained a storage location that uses handling units. In the SAP Reference IMG, select Logistics - General --> Handling Unit Management --> Basics --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management --> HU Requirement for Storage Locations and Default Values for Deliveries.

Define Additional JIT Reference Numbers

You can display additional data, such as batch characteristics or control cycle numbers, on every level of JIT calls (header, components group, call component).

Define shift sequences

Using the grouping you can create shift sequences and shift definitions for special areas (for example, different plants or different areas of a plant) and when maintaining the available capacity choose from between work centers.
  • Work break schedule: Here you define parameters that describe the individual work break schedules in more detail
  • Shift definition: Here you define the parameters common to several work centers that describe the individual shifts in more detail
  • Shift sequences: You can assign the shift sequence of a capacity category as the available capacity at the work center.
  • In capacity planning the system uses the predefined values from the shift definition to determine the available capacity of a work center.

Process flow

  1. JIT customer sends you the forecast delivery schedules or JIT delivery schedules as a requirements forecast:
  2. Creating and Changing JIT Calls
    • Receive a repeat order for a components group that has already been delivered. This can be the case if a components group is damaged
    • In Customizing for JIT Inbound you have defined the external status Repeat order and an appropriate status action network for the corresponding JIT customer during transport or installation. The JIT customer does not transmit the total scope of the original JIT call, but only the call components that he/she wants to order again.
    • The system recognizes the repeat order by the external call number and the external status information transmitted. It creates a new JIT call and indicates it as a repeat order. The system treats repeat orders with the highest priority.
    • Component group determination: the system assigns a component group type to a call component
  3. Production: Transfer to production, Print the component list, Completion message from production.... The action simply changes the internal processing status of a call and does not trigger any other functions.
  4. Backflush
    • Post the receipt of the goods of the call components and the backflush of the assembled BOM components
    • post a stock transfer from the production storage location to the shipping storage location
  5. JIT Processing with Handling Units
    • Generate a handling unit for a stock transfer ( actions: CRHU, DEHU )
    • Automatic generation of an HU during JIT delivery creation ( DELI , JITK )
    • Retrospective assignment of an existing HU to a JIT call ( T-code VL10HU )
    • Generation of a deliverable HU for a JIT call ( action: HUPP )
  6. Create a delivery for JIT calls
    • The following functions are linked with the delivery creation:
    • The system updates the cumulative delivered quantity for each scheduling agreement item.
    • The system completes the relevant forecast delivery schedules or JIT delivery schedules.
    • If you have set packing in the delivery, the system automatically creates handling units.
    • If you have set the transfer of the external call numbers, the system automatically transmits the external call numbers of the calls at the header or item level in the IDoc in the delivery message.
  7. Goods Issue Posting for a Delivery
    • ..If you use the standard transactions for posting goods issue, the action GOIS is executed automatically.
  8. Completion ( action FINI )
  9. Reorganization ( delete from DB )
  10. Printing JIT Calls


Creating and Changing JIT Calls

  1. CREA Create call
  2. MODI Change call
  3. MODH Change call header and components groups of the call
  4. MODG Change components groups of the call
  5. JIT2 Process JIT calls manually
  6. DLET Delete components group


  1. PIN Transfer to production ( The production release is usually the signal from the JIT customer after he/she no longer changes the JIT call, including the sequence number )
  2. PCOM Print the component list
  3. PINP Transfer to production and print the component list (PIN+PCOM)
  4. REPR Reprint the component list
  5. CGRP Generate and assign grouping info (With action CGRP you can generate a grouping term and assign it to a components group, if you use the rack process, for example)
    • This function enables you to group a number of JIT calls and to assign a sequence for the calls within this group. The group ID is the grouping information, and the sequence is defined by the grouping index.
    • You can, for example, group the components groups that you want to send in one packaging rack, under one grouping information. Then you can reproduce the sequence within the rack, using the grouping index.
    • The system saves the grouping term in the components group. The grouping term consists of the grouping information and the grouping index.

Production Completion Message and Picking 

  1. POUT Completion message from production ( The completion message simply causes a change in status for the components groups concerned. You trigger the goods movements and inventory postings by entering a backflush )
  2. PICK Print a picklist ( print a label for each packaging rack )
  3. POUP Completion message and print picklist (POUT + PICK)
  4. SCRA Report scrap of components group ( The system then prints the components list of the components group again with increased priority and the components group can be reproduced. In the backflush, the system does not automatically include the scrap parts. You can repeat the posting manually.)
  5. NIO Report missing part ( Set a components group to park status, if it requires rework, for example. If the components group is then reworked, you can then complete it.)


You use this function to post the goods movements for the call components. You can select any amount of components groups and:
  • post the receipt of the goods of the call components and the backflush of the assembled BOM components, aggregated
  • post a stock transfer from the production storage location to the shipping storage location aggregated, if you obtain the call components from a supplier, for example.
  • BFLU Carry out backflush
  • BFLP Carry out backflush in the background
  • BFDL Carry out backflush and create delivery (BFLU + DELI)

JIT Processing with Handling Units

  1. CRHU or DEHU Generate a handling unit for a stock transfer
  2. DELI/JITK: Automatic generation of an HU during JIT delivery creation
  3. VL10HU: Retrospective assignment of an existing HU to a JIT call ( In this functionality a HU that has already been built (with reference to a JIT delivery schedule) is assigned to a summarized JIT call. )
  4. HUPP/DEHU: Generation of a deliverable HU for a JIT call

Delivery processing

  1. DELI Create delivery
  2. BFDL Create backflush and delivery
  3. DELD Remove components groups from the delivery
  4. DELR Delete delivery items using VL02N
  5. DELU Add components groups to the delivery
  6. DELD Remove components groups to the delivery
  7. VL10 Create SumJC delivery from VL10
  8. DELS Create delivery from VL10 / without lock
  9. GOIS Post goods issue
  10. GOCC Reverse goods issue


  1. FINI Complete call/components group


  1. REOR Reorganize JIT data
  2. OREO Delete outbound JIT calls

Printing JIT Calls

  1. PCOM/PINP Print the component list
  2. REPR Reprint the component list
  3. PICK Print the pick list
  4. PSWC Print the list for the component groups switch

Internal call off

  1. CRHU Create Handling Unit from components group
  2. WIN Store components group
  3. SWCG Switch components groups
  4. PSWC Print list of components groups to be stored
  5. DEHU Pack and delete handling unit
  6. WOUT Remove components group from buffer storage


The archiving program writes the JIT call database tables in an archive file with a special archiving structure. If the operation was successful, the data is deleted from the system directly after it has been archived, depending on the settings in Customizing. You can also start the deletion program separately.

In JITIT we have a field for the status and the action ARCH should be in the status schema. 
  • RJITARCH01 for JIT Inbound
  • RJITOUTARCH01 for JIT Outbound

The deletion program deletes all the transaction data of the archived data from the system.
  • RJITARCH02 for JIT Inbound
  • RJITOUTARCH02 for JIT Outbound

After archiving, you can no longer change the JIT calls using actions (for example with JIT monitoring). However, if you want to process the calls further, you can reset the archiving with this report. Use the call control to ensure consistency.

  • RJITARCHNO (only for JIT Inbound)
