JIT Outbound

  • Configuration
  • JIT Processing Forwarded Sequenced JIT Calls
  • JIT Processing with Outbound Summarized JIT Calls
Use this component if you, as a system supplier of OEMs, receive and supply just-in-time calls inbound. You can use the JIT Outbound component to pass on received JIT calls inbound directly to your suppliers. The JIT outbound functionality can also be used if call-offs at the supplier are to be distributed to different own plants in sequence. 

  • You then directly convert the information in this call into an outbound JIT call which you send to your suppliers.
  • Using call control, you can reproduce your business process. The call control is based on actions that are either triggered by incoming JIT calls or manually online.
  • You use JIT-monitoring to control the JIT calls internally.
  • The basic data and transaction data required for JIT Outbound has been kept to a minimum. This allows high-performance processing of the usually large volume of quantities in a very small database volume.
  • You can correct the status of a call manually in the case of technical or logistical problems.
  • Goods receipt posting is integrated in this component. You can carry out a backflush for several call components both aggregated and temporally separated from the process (separated backflush).
  • The creation of delivery is also integrated in the JIT Outbound. You create a delivery when you create a summarized outbound JIT call but only transfer the materials internally. You can group the call components from several delivery schedules into one delivery to create a transfer order which is used to transfer the materials.
  • You can send a delivery confirmation to your supplier. This delivery confirmation contains the production numbers of the supplier or of the OEM.
  • After you have completed the JIT calls, you can archive the JIT data and delete it from the database.

An exception is the generation of summarized JIT calls (JIT calls). MABs do not require JIT inbound functionalities as a prerequisite. With transaction PK23, for example, a summarized JIT call can be created manually. When the call-off is created, the SEQJIT03-IDOC is generated at the same time and both the call-off and the jump to the SEQJIT-IDOC can be called up via transaction JITOM, the JIT outbound monitoring. The creation of the summarized JIT call requires several prerequisites, which are not very different from the prerequisites of the production-synchronous JIT outbound call.


Number ranges

  • Maintain Number Range for JITOHD (Call Range)
  • Maintain Number Range for JITOIT (Components Group)
  • Maintain Number Range for DLCNO (Outbound Dely Confirmation)
  • Vendor-specific Number Ranges for Delivery Confirmation

JIT Call Profile

Assign a JIT call profile to a control cycle, thereby setting the automatic controls for all JIT calls created via this control cycle.

These constitute the basic parameters for the creation of JIT calls.
You define which type of JIT call is to be used, and the partner role used to define the message partner for transmission of the JIT call. You also enter in the JIT call profile if and how (for example, by plant) and from within what period of time the JIT calls are to be summarized.

If you choose to summarize, the system checks whether the material requirements can be assigned to an existing summarized JIT call header (for example, if you are summarizing by plant, it checks whether a summarized JIT call header exists for the plant). If the system cannot add the requirement as a new item in an existing summarized JIT call header, it creates a new summarized JIT call header with one item.

When creating the control cycle, enter the profile you have created here together with the replenishment strategy intended for the summarized JIT call.
Time Definition
In this step, you define time definitions for summarizing material requirements (kanbans), to the minute, or to the day.

If you want to summarize to the minute, you require

shift sequence
factory calendar
If you want to summarize to the day, you require

planning calendar
If you want to summarize requirements with regard to time, you enter the time definition in the JIT call profile.

Example: In summarizing to the day, you can define that the period on which the summary is to be based is 3 days. This is defined in the planning calendar, which you enter here along with the appropriate plant. The system summarizes the requirements whose delivery dates fall within this period.

Scheduling Profiles
You use this IMG activity to define the scheduling profile for a summarized JIT call.

The system uses a factory calendar, a grouping, and a shift sequence to determine the Operating time for a scheduling profile. The system then uses this operating time to execute forward scheduling taking the total replenishment lead time into account to determine the requirements date.

In order to be able to make proper use of the scheduling time, you must maintain: Grouping, Shift sequence, Factory calendar

If the control cycle data has been maintained, it will be shifted. They then override the scheduling profile data.
Define shift sequences & Define Bar Code Qualifier
Define External Procurement Strategy for Sequenced JIT Call
You use this IMG activity to define the external procurement strategy of the sequenced JIT call. You determine the movement type to be used for posting the receipt of the goods.
The replenishment strategy is defined by a four-digit key and can be given any description.

Message Determination

Define Condition Table for Summarized JIT Call
Define Access Sequence for Summarized JIT Call
Define Message Type for Summarized JIT Call

MAED QRelease (EDI)
MAFO QRelease Print Form
MAIN QRelease(InternetID)
OJIT Outbound JIT-Call
OJPR Outbound JIT-Call
Define Message Pattern for Summarized JIT Call
Define Partner Roles for Summarized JIT Call

Summarized JIT Call
Define Replenishment Strategies for External Procurement
You define one or more replenishment strategies for a plant, and in the detailed view, you assign the following data to the strategy:

Goods movement type
Use a packing instruction in the control cycle
Control Cycle Print Data
You also define whether a variable source is allowed and whether partial day scheduling and automatic goods receipt are scheduled for this strategy when receiving the shipping notification.

Define Replenishment Strategies for Stock Transfer
You use this IMG activity to define the stock transfer replenishment strategy for summarized JIT calls.
You define one or more replenishment strategies for a plant and assign the following data to this strategy in the detailed view:

Control type
Goods receipt movement type
Use of a packing instruction in the control cycle
Control cycle print data
You also define whether partial day scheduling is allowed for this strategy.

Define Scheduling Profiles
Define shift sequences
Define Storage Location Vendors
The summarized JIT call replenishment strategy can be a stock transfer. A storage location vendor is used to find a summarized JIT call during stock transfer of an output partner. This output partner is necessary for a summarized JIT call output.

The summarized JIT call creation process is detailed below:

To trigger the message control, the system accesses data from the control cycle in the Event-Driven KANBAN: Create Kanban.
The system then uses the production supply area-storage location to determine the storage location vendor.
The system then uses the partner roles from the JIT call profile and the partner roles from the Display Vendor: Initial Screen to determine the output partner.
In this activity, you assign a storage location vendor to a plant and storage location. The system has access to storage location vendor data to send messages when creating summarized JIT calls.

JIT Processing Forwarded Sequenced JIT CallsA sequenced JIT call outbound to which information is copied directly from the sequenced call inbound and sent to the suppliers.

The information from the inbound call is converted using JIT control cycles and transmitted to your supplier by the outbound call. The JIT control cycle can contain and control data for simple components or for components contained in BOMs.
The information from the inbound call is converted using JIT control cycles and transmitted to a supplier by the outbound call.

Process flow

Call components from the inbound sequenced JIT call can be directly passed on to a sub-supplier in an outbound sequenced JIT call. The BOM components can also be passed on to your sub-supplier.

You must maintain a JIT control cycle for both types of call components. You also have to set the BOM explosion indicator in the JIT basic data for call components that have to be exploded.

A control cycle consists of a material, a plant and the supply area. The system determines the supply area in three steps.

You can save the supply area for the components. If you have not saved a supply area for the component, the system then checks whether you have saved a supply area for a work center on the production line. If this is not the case, the system finally checks whether you have defined a control cycle. You must define this control cycle specifically for a material and a plant.

The components in a components group must always have the same JIT call profile. You must make sure this is the case when creating the components groups.

The creation of the components groups is executed according to the splitting criteria set in Customizing in the production call profile. The standard splitting criteria include the supplier, production call profile and plant.

Creating and Changing Outbound Sequenced JIT Calls

  1. You have received an inbound sequenced JIT call from your OEM which you want to forward.
  2. You have maintained and defined the following data:
    • the master data – especially the JIT control cycle
    • the action OCRE Outbound Call in the Call Control in Customizing.
    • You can determine the transmission of the actual message using a follow-on action (OSDD Send message).
  3. Sending Outbound Sequenced JIT Calls
    • Select action OSDD Send outbound sequenced JIT call.
  4. Receiving Shipping Notifications
    • the action OSHP Process shipping notification for outbound call ( The production number is at item level in the shipping notification. )
  5. Posting Goods Receipts
    • You have maintained either the MM scheduling agreement in the control cycle or, alternatively, the source list record. If you have not maintained this entry, the system cannot post the goods receipt.
    • In the scheduling agreement for JIT calls, you must set Z as the production supply indicator.
    • The goods receipt posting is triggered by the action OGRE
    • After action POUT Execute Completion Message, action OGRE Post Goods Receipt for JIT Outbound is executed automatically.
    • Reversing the Goods Receipt
    1. Action OCGR Reverse Goods Receipt
  6. You can send delivery confirmations in the formats VDA4913 and ANSI 861.
    • You have set up the EDI Interface for the IDoc GSVERF02.
    • When executing action OGRE Post Goods Receipt for JIT Outbound, the system automatically creates a delivery confirmation for each material and quantity that you receive from a supplier.
    • You can see an overview of all the delivery confirmations you have sent to one particular supplier using transaction ODLC
  7. Invoice Verification
    • You use invoice verification to check the invoices from your suppliers and to compare them with the delivery confirmations you have sent as well as the received calls.
    • The delivery confirmation number is used as a direct reference for invoice verification instead of a delivery note number. In invoice verification, an invoice proposal is created on the basis of the delivery confirmation number.
    • MIRO: In the Delivery note field, enter the number of the delivery confirmation. Make sure that the display variant Delivery confirmation is set.
  8. Completing Outbound JIT Calls
    • In your process control, you have planned the action OFIN Outbound Components Groups for the current internal processing status of the relevant components groups.

JIT Processing with Outbound Summarized JIT Calls

Summarized JIT call which can be created either directly from planning or manually.

You use the outbound summarized JIT call if you want to cover a requirement for materials that do not refer to any particular materials.

Material required regularly (with short delivery times) is kept available in small quantities in production. The replenishment or production of such a material is triggered by an outbound summarized JIT call once a certain quantity of the material has been consumed.

The signal that triggers the delivery of a material by an outbound summarized JIT call is given directly by a consumer at the workplace in production. You can use outbound summarized JIT calls for two different forms of replenishment:

Tolerance profile

In a tolerance profile, you can define tolerances for deviations between the summarized JIT call and the delivery. Deviations arise when you have to make subsequent changes to existing summarized JIT calls or deliveries. You can also define a predetermined winner for conflict situations (tolerances that have been exceeded).

If the tolerance check is successful, the system changes the data accordingly. For changes to the summarized JIT call, the system changes the data in the call and the delivery, but for changes to delivery dates, the system changes the data in the delivery but not the call.
If the tolerance check fails, the system doesn't change the data; the original data is available for the next tolerance check. If the tolerance check is successful, the system updates the data; the updated data is available for the next tolerance check.

Example: a summarized JIT call has an original call quantity of 20 pieces. Using the tolerance profile, an increase of 20 % falls within the permitted tolerances. A change in requirements means the call quantity is increased to 22 pieces. The tolerance check is successful because an increase of 2 pieces falls within the tolerances.

Grouping Outbound Summarized JIT Calls

  • according to plant
  • according to plant and unloading point
  • according to plant, unloading point, and supply area
  • according to the delivery date
  • You have defined the grouping of material requirements in the JIT call profile (Customizing):
  • You have maintained a partner function.
  • You have defined the type of grouping (according to plant or plant and unloading point or also according to plant, unloading point and supply area or according to delivery date by making an entry in Time definition).
  • You have saved the JIT call profile in your control cycle.

Determining a Delivery Date

For the outbound summarized JIT call, the delivery date is the sum of the JIT call creation time and the material replenishment lead time.

Process flow

  1. A physical requirement exists for a particular material in your production.
  2. Create a summarized JIT call or add a new item to an already existing JIT call
  3. To send the summarized JIT call, the system accesses the message determination.
    • Replenishment by Stock Transfer
    • Replenishment by Direct Transfer Posting
    • Replenishment by External Procurement
  4. Post the receipt of the goods for complete summarized JIT calls.

Replenishment by Stock Transfer

You use this process if you want to send your outbound summarized JIT calls to internal storage location suppliers or if you want to execute plant-to-plant stock transfer. )

Creating & Changing Outbound SumJCs (Stock Transfer)

Using this procedure, you can procure material directly from the Production System for production in other storage locations . You can also transfer stock across plants.

For stock transfer, you can also work with materials that are managed in batches. This means you can access and transfer the stock of a certain batch of the material in the source storage location. 

Sending Outbound Summarized JIT Calls 

Using this procedure, you send existing summarized JIT calls to external vendors or to predefined storage location vendors which have been assigned to the internal supply-to-line. 
Select action OSDD Send Outbound Call: Process Message.

Creating the Outbound Delivery

You cannot directly use the summarized JIT call when transferring the stock of a material from one storage location managed by Warehouse Management (WM component) to another storage location managed by Inventory Management (MM-IM component) or when transferring the stock of a material within Warehouse Management. In the case, you require an outbound delivery as a replenishment element.

Select action ODLI Create Outbound Delivery for Outbound Summarized JIT Call. 

  • In your JIT control you have planned the appropriate action for the current internal processing status of the components group.
  • You have defined a storage location vendor in Customizing for JIT Outbound: You only require the storage location vendor if you work with message determination.
  • You have defined a delivery type in Customizing under Logistics Execution → Shipping → Deliveries → Define Delivery Types. The delivery type JITD is delivered as standard.
  • You have defined an item category for the delivery type JITD in Customizing under Logistics Execution → Shipping → Deliveries → Define Item Category Determination for Deliveries. The item category JITP is delivered as standard.
  • In Customizing, under Logistics – General → Handling Unit Management → Basics → Delivery → Delivery Type Determination → Set Delivery Type 
  • You have maintained the Sales views in the material master (transaction MM02).
  • You have created a summarized JIT call under Logistics → Logistics Execution → JIT Outbound →Create Summarized JIT Call.

Goods Receipt Posting for Stock Transfer 

You can post the receipt of the goods using transaction PJWE, using outbound JIT Monitoring or via the delivery.

Stock Transfer with Direct Transfer Order Creation 

Use this process if you cover your requirement by a direct transfer posting.
The stock transfer with direct transfer order creation proceeds as follows:
  1. Create and change outbound summarized JIT calls (stock transfers).
  2. Send outbound summarized JIT call.
  3. Create transfer order for stock transfer.
    • To create a transfer order, select action OTCR.
    • To cancel an existing transfer order, select action OTCA.
  4. Post goods receipt for stock transfer.
  5. Complete outbound JIT calls.
  6. Execute reorganization.

Replenishment by External Procurement

You can use this procedure to transmit calls, relevant to delivery, from the production system to a vendor.  For a summarized JIT call, delivery can be made at a specific time during the day or several times a day.

  1. You have created a supply area (including the unloading point, if necessary) for your storage location.
  2. You have created material and assigned it to a supply area storage location.
  3. You have created a vendor and maintained the appropriate partner roles.
  4. You have created a scheduling agreement for your material and vendor and a schedule line for this scheduling agreement. You have set the Supply-to-Production indicator to Z in this scheduling agreement.
  5. You have defined or created the following in Customizing for JIT Outbound:
  6. Call control for the summarized JIT calls
  7. A production call profile
  8. A replenishment strategy for creating a summarized JIT call
  9. The message determination
  10. You have created a control cycle for summarized JIT calls.

Create and Change Outbound Summarized JIT Call

Choose Logistics → Logistics Execution → JIT Outbound → Summarized JIT call → Create (transaction PK23).

Send Outbound Summarized JIT Call


You have maintained sending time 3 Send with application own transaction under Logistics → Logistics Execution → JIT Outbound → Basic Data → Message Conditions → Change for the appropriate control cycle.
You use message type OJIT for sending per EDI. You use message type OJPR for sending per print/fax.

Select action OSDD Send Outbound Call: Process Message.

Receiving Shipping Notification

For outbound summarized and sequenced JIT calls which you obtain from an external supplier, you can post the goods receipt along with the receipt of the shipping notification. To do this, you have to set the indicator for the automatic goods receipt in Customizing for JIT Outbound, in the activity Define Replenishment Strategy for External Procurement. However, you can also post the goods receipt in a separate step.

Post Goods Receipt

You use this procedure to post the goods receipt for your outbound summarized JIT call which you received from an external vendor.
You can post the goods receipt using transaction PJWE or using outbound JIT Monitoring

Using transaction PJWE, you can post individual items or partial quantities of individual items of a summarized JIT call. From JIT Monitoring, you can only post the goods receipt for complete outbound summarized JIT calls.
If you work with shipping notifications you can also post the goods receipt automatically on receipt of the shipping notification or via the Automotive goods receipt (transaction BORGR).


Automatic Supply-to-Production

Automatic Supply-to-Production (automatic S2P) has been specially developed for the Discrete Industries sector. It is used to organize the physical replenishment of components for production.

The focus of Automatic Supply-to-Production is on monitoring stocks in production, synchronous to production. And then based on this information to plan production replenishment to-the-minute for high-volume production scenarios.  

Replenishment proposals and replenishment elements are objects which trigger and control the supply of components to production.

As long as these objects have not been saved, they are known as replenishment proposals. You can process these replenishment proposals in the supply-to-production table.

As soon as you save a replenishment proposal which was either created manually or automatically by the system, it becomes a replenishment element. The technical element behind the replenishment element is the components groups of a summarized JIT call.

The application for automatic supply-to-production is found in the ERP System using SAP for Automotive. Although, as standard, you can use the requirements and backflushing data from SAP APO, you only work with the automatic supply-to-production function in the ERP System.

You access the initial screen by choosing Logistics → Logistics Execution → JIT Outbound → Summarized JIT Call → Supply-to-Production Table (Transaction S2L).

 Planning Element 
All objects included in the calculation of the missing quantities in supply-to-production are known as planning elements.

Planning elements include dependent requirements, postprocessing records, stocks and replenishment proposals or replenishment elements.

 Supply Segment 
The stock/requirements situation is calculated for supply-to-production at supply segment level.

The supply segment is determined by the combination of material, plant/location and supply area. In planning for supply-to-production, all the receipt and issue elements of a supply segment within a defined planning horizon are taken into account.

 Supply-to-Production Table 
The Supply-to-Production Table (S2P Table) is an application you can use to monitor and execute automatic supply-to-production.

The supply-to-production table is a tool for planning and executing automatic supply-to-production.

You access the initial screen of the supply-to-production table by choosing Logistics → Logistics Execution → JIT Outbound → Summarized JIT Call → Supply-to-Production Table (Transaction S2L).

You can use the supply-to-production table for:

·        Displaying the stock/requirements situation for several supply segments

·        Grouping supply segments by lines and supply areas

·        Displaying the stock/requirements situation for a supply segment in detail

·        Interactive planning with automatic or manual creation of replenishment proposals
