SAP for Automotive: Business processes

  • Processes in the Component Supplier Industry
    • Scheduling agreement processing with forecast and JIT delivery schedules
    • Scheduling Agreement Processing with Forecast Delivery Schedule and Delivery Order
    • Scheduling Agreement Processing with External Service Agent
    • Scheduling Agreement Processing with Sequenced JIT Calls (Just in Sequence)
    • Scheduling Agreement Processing Processing Summarized JIT calls
    • Processing Planning delivery schedule (PDS/ Internal call)
  • Packing in production
    • Returnable packing
    • Handling unit management
      • HU creation for deliveries with mobile app 
      • Planned HU creation
      • Packing a delivery 
  • Goods receipt
    • Automotive goods receipt
    • Multi-Level Goods Receipt
    • Proof of Delivery at Goods Receipt for Inbound Deliveries
    • Profiles in Goods Receipt for Automotive
    • Automatic Determination of Purchasing Document
    • Determination of the Unloading Point and the Unloading Zone
  • Operational Procurement and Material Flow
    • Procurement Using Scheduling Agreements
    • Supply to production: Push
    • Supply to production: Pull
  • Processing External Service Providers
  • Cross-System Transit between Two Plants
  • Self-Billing
  • Planning, Tracking, and Executing Inbound Deliveries
    • Tracking: Monitoring of Inbound Shipments & Monitoring Inbound Deliveries
  • Delivery confirmation processing
  • Additional information
    • 1590755 - FAQ: Various self-billing procedures in SD

Processes in the Component Supplier Industry

Scheduling agreement processing with forecast and JIT delivery schedules

  1. Goods recipient: MRP run is to update a scheduling agreement with schedule lines;
  2. Goods recipient to Goods supplier: send a Forecast delivery schedule (mes. type DELFOR) releavant for planning but not for delivery creation
  3. Goods recipient to Goods supplier: JIT delivery schedule (mes. type DELJIT). Delivery-relevant
  4. Goods supplier: send shipping notification based on outbound delivery (mes. type DESADV);
  5. Goods recipient: Create an inbound document and post GR via ERS settlement;
  6. Goods recipient: Create invoice via payment run;
  7. Goods recipient: Send a credit memo ( mes. type SBWAP);
  8. Goods recipient: Payment advide note (mes. type REMADV).

Scheduling Agreement Processing with Forecast Delivery Schedule and Delivery Order

A delivery order (type TAM) replaces the JIT delivery schedule and contains a list of materials like a pick-up sheet to the freight forwarder.
  1. On the basis of these scheduling agreements, the customer transmits this in a pickup sheet. 
    • The system automatically sets the planning status to E - No JIT;
    • External customer document with the function similar to JIT delivery schedule;
    • Addressee: supplier and freight forwarder;
    • One or more materials, from several scheduling agreements, to be delivered .
  2. A delivery order is created automatically.

Scheduling Agreement Processing with External Service Agent

Important note about the difference between ESA and LSA
  • If the contract is between goods supplier and the service agent, we talk about logistics service agent (LSA)
  • if the contract is between goods recipient and the ESA, we talk about the external service agent (ESA). ESA is is generally a freight forwarder with a warehouse very near to the customer.
Process overview
  1. Goods recipient to Goods supplier: a supplier receives the customer’s forecast delivery schedule via EDI (DELFOR). The goods recipient and supplier create schedule agreements, in which the ESA is recordered in the partner roles;
  2. Goods supplier to ESA (consignment fill up): on outbound delivery, a consignment stock is built up at the ESA (mes.type DESADV);
  3. Goods recipient to ESA: the forecast delivery schedule is dispatched a . ~ The customer calls off the materials form the ESA, as they are required in production;
  4. ESA to Goods recipient: the ESA receives a JIT delivery schedule from the customer and delivers it (mes. type DESADV);
  5. (!) ESA to Goods supplier: the supplier updates a consignment withdrawal order with reference to the scheduling agreement (mes.type EDLNOT);
  6. Goods supplier triggers a consignment withdrawal and creates an invoice for this consignment withdrawal;
  7. Goods recipient to Goods supplier: Credit payment;
  8. Goods recipient to Goods supplier: Payment advice note.

Scheduling Agreement Processing with Sequenced JIT Calls (Just in Sequence)

Process overview
  1. OEM to Supplier: Forecast delivery schedule (DELFOR);
  2. OEM to Supplier: JIT delivery schedule (DELJIT);
  3. OEM to Supplier: SeqJC forecast signal (order-related BOM): 
    • In the sequenced JIT call, the supplier receives the list of assemblies.
  4. OEM to Supplier: SeqJC assembly signal
    • After scheduling production of  finished products...
  5. Suppplier to OEM: Sequence specifiс inbound delivery 
  6. Suppplier to OEM: Billing document

Scheduling Agreement Processing Processing Summarized JIT  calls 

Use for external procurement ans stock transfers..Summarized JIT calls can be used for external procurement and stock transfers.
  1. Manufacturer to Supplier: FDS;
  2. Manufacturer to Supplier: Summarized JIT calls;
  3. Supplier to Manufacturer: Delivery schedule specific;
  4. Supplier to Manufacturer: Shipping notification;
  5. Supplier to Manufacturer: Billing document.

 Processing Planning delivery schedule (PDS/ Internal call)

  1. SD: Scheduling agreement processing: FDS/JDS/PLDS
  2. MRP: 
    • Make-to-Stock Planning/Make-to-order production
    • Material staging: KANBAN / Pull listi list
    • MM: Scheduling agreement processing: FDS/JDS
Planning delivery schedules (PDS) are internal calls that are generated manually or automatically on the basis of forecast delivery schedules.  PDS replaces the forecast delivery schedule with regards to delivery relevance (!)
  • Planning Delivery Schedules 
    • With Automatic Generation when an FDS is received 
    • With Manual Generation
Delivery schedule splitting rules are assigned to the planning delivery schedule instructions:
  • How are the forecast delivery schedule lines  split up into planning delivery schedule lines;
  • How are  public holidays dealt with in splitting;
  • Rounding rules for splitting;
  • Several delivery schedule splitting rules can be assigned to a planning delivery schedule instruction.


  1. Sales: Customer requirements..
    • Orders, SD-SA (FDS, JDS), Summarized JIT calls 
  2. Production: Planned/Production order.. Create planned HU
  3. Shipping: Delivery related req-s... Create deliveries from HU

Returnable packing 

Process overview
  1. The OEM requests the vendor to deliver the material.
  2. The vendor uses the packing instruction to pack the material.
  3. The movements of the returnable packaging is posted automatically to the RP accounts.
  4. The vendor sends the OEM a shipping notification that contains data on the handling units shipped.
  5. The OEM can explode the handling units using the packing instruction he created previously.
  6. The OEM posts goods receipt of the handling units.
  7. Based on the MM movement, the returnable packaging is posted automatically to the appropriate RP accounts.
  8. The vendor periodically receives account statements per EDI from the OEM, detailing the account postings.

Goods receipt 

Automotive goods receipt 

  1. Delivery data can be used to identify that the shipment has arrived; The inbound delivery and or shipment is assigned the status ′AtPlant′.
    • Separate MRP element in Requirement list
  2. The goods are delivered to an unloading point (dock). The goods receipt is posted.
  3. If there are any inconsistencies, these can be clarified in clearing

Multi-Level Goods Receipt

Proof of Delivery at Goods Receipt for Inbound Deliveries

Goods receipt in the automotive industry can be split into two main processes:
  • Goods receipt for parts that are procured just-in-time is posted when the parts are built into a vehicle.
  • Goods receipt for all other parts is usually a multi-level process.
    • The first step for goods receipt involves registering trucks at the goods receipt office and comparing the shipping documents with the data received by EDI. 
    • Goods receipt is posted when the quantity and content of the packages has been compared with the unloading list at the unloading point.

Profiles in Goods Receipt for Automotive

In goods receipt for Automotive, you can use profiles to adjust the dialog to the roles of the individual user groups. The typical roles in goods receipt for Automotive are 
  • V: preliminary entry (technical name: SAP_ISA_MM_GR_PRE_ENTRY), 
    • The goods receipt office compares the system data relevant for posting goods receipt with the delivery papers that accompany the inbound delivery. 
      1. Compare the data received by EDI for the inbound deliveries with the delivery papers.
      2. Assign the inbound deliveries to the correct inbound shipments.
        • The shipment type is relevant for the multi-level goods receipt process, which you define in the GR-RelevanceInd field in Customizing for Logistics Execution
      3. Enter any missing data and correct the data transmitted by EDI.
      4. Register the inbound delivery. 
        • The system assigns the In plant status to the inbound deliveries that you register.
        • This status shows that the material has arrived at the goods receipt office and is available in principle. 
        • The unloading list is printed automatically
      5. The shipment status is automatically set to Registered when all the inbound deliveries assigned to the shipment are In plant.
  • B: posting (technical name: SAP_ISA_MM_GR_GOODS_RECEIPT) and 
    • When you want all HUs at an unloading point (or material staging area) to be visually inspected, you should check the HU Ind box (for HU visual inspection indicator) for the material staging area in Customizing for Logistics Execution
    • It is not possible to post partial goods receipt for materials with serial numbers.
  • C: clearing (technical name: SAP_ISA_MM_GR_CLEARING).
    • You can use the clearing function to process all objects which could not be processed in preliminary posting or posting.
Automatic Determination of Purchasing Document
  • The purchasing document number and the item are transferred to the inbound delivery item when you enter them or when the data is in an IDoc.
  • The system checks in the IDoc for a reference to summarized JIT call items.
  • The system uses the source list records, 
  • the outline agreements (contracts or scheduling agreements), 
  • purchasing documents for a material to determine the preferred purchasing document at a particular time. The vendor must be known.

Determination of the Unloading Point and the Unloading Zone
  1. The unloading point is determined by using the control cycle when the inbound delivery items refer to a summarized JIT call.
  2. The data from the referenced scheduling agreement is used when none of the inbound delivery items refers to a summarized JIT call or the unloading point cannot be determined from the summarized JIT call.

Operational Procurement and Material Flow

Procurement Using Scheduling Agreements

Working with scheduling agreements can shorten processing times and reduce the amount of paperwork you are faced with. One delivery schedule can replace a large number of discrete purchase orders or contract release orders.

Inventories can be reduced to a minimum. You can carry out your manufacturing operations on the Just-in-Time (JIT) principle.

A planning run takes place for the required materials at regular intervals. This automatically generates delivery schedule lines for scheduling agreements.

Scheduling agreement releases are created on the basis of these schedule lines. These are then issued to the vendor.
  • The materials planner/inventory controller can first check the schedule lines and then manually create a release (FRC or JIT delivery schedule) from within the scheduling agreement.
  • Alternatively, the releases (FRC or JIT schedules) can be generated automatically by the system. This is normally done directly after the planning run.
You have the option of working with both forecast and JIT schedules or only with forecast schedules.
In the Automotive environment, you can enter an unloading point in the scheduling agreement item and send an e-mail to your vendor’s e-mail address. You can define an e-mail address for each scheduling agreement item
  • The unloading point entered in the additional data for the scheduling agreement item is transmitted to the vendor in forecast or JIT delivery schedules.
  • The unloading point (Automotive) is adopted in the inbound delivery if the latter was created with reference to the scheduling agreement item.
  • In the goods receipt process (Automotive), the unloading point can be used as a selection criterion. In the GR process, "unloading points" are the locations at which delivered goods are physically unloaded.
The allowed unloading points (Automotive) are determined via the staging areas that you can maintain in Customizing for Logistics Execution. 

Staging areas were originally an organizational unit of Logistics Execution. They are now also used to define unloading points in the Automotive environment with the description unloading point (Automotive ).

Please note that the following terms are used synonymously:
  • Unloading point (Automotive) Staging area (Logistics Execution)
  • Unloading zone (Automotive) Door (Logistics Execution)

Scheduling Agreement Releases: Process

  • Materials Planning generates delivery schedule lines for scheduling agreement items. You can also create schedule lines manually.
    • Separate MRP group for materials you wish to procure by means of scheduling agreement releases
  • You create scheduling agreement (SA) releases (delivery schedules that are sent to the vendor) comprising the schedule lines for a certain scheduling agreement item. To some extent, SA releases are snapshots of the overall delivery schedule stored in the system at given points in time, with or without some degree of aggregation.
  • In creating such releases, the system proceeds as follows:
    • If a creation profile exists, it aggregates the release (i.e. scheduled) dates and quantities.
    • It generates an SA release (either a forecast delivery schedule or a JIT delivery schedule) in accordance with the creation strategy and the entries on the initial screen for SA release creation.
    • If a creation profile exists, it determines any existing backlogs and immediate requirements.
    • If a creation profile exists, it checks any applicable tolerances in the case of SA releases created due to changes to the overall schedule in the system.
    • If you have activated the function for stopping releases for a scheduling agreement item, releases are stopped following their creation. Stopped SA releases have to be released themselves (cleared for outputting) so that they can be printed or transmitted.
  • The SA releases (delivery schedules) are transmitted as messages to the vendor.

Нужно быть внимательным с плановым календарем т.к. от даты начала ( дата в календаре ) влияет на то, как будут расчитаны партии поставки в релизе. То есть нужно учитывать не только на какие даты нужно планировать партии поставщику, но и дату начала от которой будем считать. 30.04.2021

Stopping Scheduling Agreement Releases

Such stopped SA releases must then themselves be released (i.e. cleared for issue) by the responsible materials planner in a separate step. A message (output version of the document) is not generated until the SA release has itself been released (cleared for printing or direct transmission).

A workflow has been set up for stopped SA releases, so that the materials planner receives a work item if SA releases are stopped by the release creation program.

If you wish to use the dynamic stop facility, you must make the necessary settings on the new tab page Criteria for Dynamic Stopping in the release creation profile in Customizing for Purchasing . ( Scheduling Agreement Maintain Release Creation Profile for Scheduling Agreements with Release Documentation. )

As a basic rule, only SA releases that were generated by the release creation program are stopped. SA releases that you create during SA delivery schedule maintenance are never stopped.

You can specify whether or not an SA release is to be stopped in the additional data for the scheduling agreement item ( Static Stopping ) or in the release creation profile ( Dynamic Stopping ) – depending on the SA release type.
  • Static Stopping
  • Dynamic Stopping
This function enables you to stop (hold back) SA releases (FRC or JIT schedules or both) after they have been generated by the release creation program (i.e. prevent them from being printed or transmitted).

As a result, SA releases are created but the generation of message records is suppressed.

You can also see whether an SA release has been stopped in the SA release overview for a scheduling agreement item ( Stop Status column).
  • Indicates that this SA release was stopped following the release creation process and currently remains in a stopped state.
  • Shows that this SA release was stopped following the release creation process but has in the meantime been released (cleared for issue).

Automotive: Enhancements to SA Releases (FRC/JIT Schedules)

  • Workflow for materials planner in the case of stopped SA releases
    • If SA releases are created and then stopped by the release creation program, the materials planner/controller receives just one notification thereof (i.e. one work item) even if several different SA releases have been stopped.
  • Standardizing the Creation Date When Creating SA Releases
    • You can specify that all SA releases resulting from a certain run of the release creation program are assigned a uniform creation date. This enables you to prevent a series of releases generated in the course of a program run being assigned different creation dates (if, for example, the program should be started shortly before 24 hrs on one day and finish shortly afterwards on the next).
    • In addition, you can specify that the standardized SA release creation date is to be shifted one workday into the past or future. This enables you to schedule the SA release creation process to take place at times of lower system-load (e.g. weekends).
  • Last Goods Receipts for SA Release
    • These can then be notified to the vendor in the SA release.
  • Stopping and Releasing SA Releases
  • Entering SA release header texts
    • You can enter text pertaining to an SA release and include this text in the release output. You can change this text at any time provided that the release has not yet been outputted.

Creation Profile

The creation profile determines:
  • Which event triggers the creation of a scheduling agreement release (changes involving the lines of the overall schedule and/or the reaching of the next transmission date)
  • How the delivery dates are shown (aggregation and release horizon)
  • Whether Backlogs and Immediate Requirements are determined and shown in the scheduling agreement (SA) release
  • Whether a tolerance check is carried out for SA releases that are created due to changes to the overall delivery schedule in the system
You process creation profiles in Customizing for Purchasing under Scheduling Agreement Maintain Release Creation Profile for Scheduling Agreement with Release Documentation.

The enhancements in the SA release creation profile enable you to specify the following in the Automotive environment:
  • No past dates are to be shown in the SA release ( General Parameters tab page )
  • Backlog and immediate requirements are to be brought forward , i.e. are to be based on the day before the SA release date, not – as previously – the SA release date ( General Parameters tab page )
  • An SA release is to be an Internet release and the vendor is to be notified by e-mail when an Internet release is created ( Internet tab page )
  • Last goods receipts and inbound deliveries are to be determined at the time of SA release creation and notified to the vendor in the release ( Last Goods Receipts tab page )
  • Additional data (such as follow-up material and subcontracting components) is to be outputted in the SA release in the case of printing with SAP Smart Forms ( Print with Smart Forms tab page )
  • SA releases are subject to dynamic stopping if certain criteria are fulfilled ( Criteria for Dyn. Stopping tab page )

Cumulative Quantities

You have the option of monitoring the scheduled quantities set out in the delivery schedule for a scheduling agreement on a cumulative basis. This means that the cumulative quantity delivered is displayed and printed for each individual schedule line. The cumulative quantity represents the total quantity that has been delivered to date after each delivery of a scheduled quantity.

Differences may arise between the quantity the vendor claims he has delivered and the quantity you have received. This may occur with over- and underdeliveries (overages and underages), for example.

  • Changes in the Delivery Quantity in Inbound Deliveries
  • Quantity Differences at the Time of Goods Receipt

When differences occur, you contact the vendor and agree on a common figure. Then you enter this agreed quantity in the scheduling agreement.

Entering the Agreed Cumulative Quantity Manually
  • Select the desired item in the item overview when changing a scheduling agreement.
  • Enter the date of agreement in the Reconciliation date field on the Additional data screen. Then enter the agreed quantity in the Agreed cum. qty. field.
Automatic Determination of the Agreed Cumulative Quantity
  • Choose Start of the navigation path Outline agreement Next navigation step Scheduling agreement Next navigation step Administer Next navigation step Set agreed cum. qty. End of the navigation path
  • Enter the selection criteria and choose Start of the navigation path Program Next navigation step Execute End of the navigation path .
  • You get a list of all scheduling agreements to which the system has added the predetermined agreed cumulative quantity.

To get knowledge of ( Qty. difference )

External procurement: Purchase order/ Quantity 

Supply to production: Push

Important concerns about Release documention sent to a supplier 
  • Both FDS and JDS generated from a schedule line of a purchasing agreement, so the resulting pair of releases contains the same quantities. While the aggregation and horizon can be different between FDS and JDS
  • Production-go-ahead and Material-go-ahead are zones (periods of time) identified on each release.
  • All schedule lines with delivery dates beyond the zones are considered forecast and can be used by thesupplier for planning purchasing, production capacity, etc.
  • Zones can be frozen, and if demand increases within the zone, the requirement will appear on thefirst date after the zone
  • Tolerance check:
    • If quantity changes are within the specified tolerance, a release is generated.
    • If quantity changes are greater than the specified tolerance, a release is ′stopped′.

Supply to production: Pull

    • Some principles
      • The supply source must be in a position to deliver the material quickly and in small lots.
      • Consumption/replenishment of parts should be relatively stable.
      • Materials must not be produced in advance
    • Supply area
      • Material is staged in production at supply areas.
      • A supply area ( a  buffer for the necessary materials  ) or production supply area (PSA) can be used by work centers. 
      • Storage locations are assigned to the supply areas for inventory management .
      • Unloading point 
    • Control cycle 
      • The object is used for replenishment a material to a a supply area ( demand souce is Supply area, Replenishment strategy )
    • Strategies
      • In house production
        • Container planning with MRP
        • Planned and production orders with MRP
      • External procurement
        • Contaner contorl with MPR
        • Summarized JIT calls: When a Kanban is set to EMPTY, aSumJCis either created or a new item is added to an existingSumJC.
        • Stock transfers: Summarized JIT calls with stock transfer can be used for internal requirements. The source storage location must not be WM-managed in this case
Automatic supply-to-production 
Automatic supply-to-production has been designed for scenarios where planning and production backflushing take place in theAdvanced Planner and Optimizer-System (APO) of SAP SCM.

OEM Planning and Manufacturing

SAP APO is in use for planning.
  1. Customer requirements to SAP APO;
  2. Generation of PDS;
  3. Model mix planning and sequencing;
  4. BOM explosion;
  5. Component requirement;
  6. Buckflush to ERP.
Variant configuration via iPPE integrated product & process engineer ( objects + relationships ).
  • Production version
    • Product structure 
    • Process model
    • Factory structure
  • Product cost collector

Integration model: Plant, classification + Transaction data + Master data ( configurations )

SAP APO generates Replenhsiment/Manufacturing/Procurement order based on transaction data.

Special algorithms (sequence optimizer, linear, equal distribution heuristic, smoothing, pure algo) are applied during two main phases: Sequencing, model mix .

  1. New demand for a vehicle from Sales or Dealer -> Sales order or Demand req..
  2. Planning procedure to level demand and calculate first level comp. requirements  ( model mix planning )
  3. Production planner generates the final production schedule 
  4. Material planning for lower level components
  5. Procurement or In house production for parts if it is not in inventory 
  6. Production confirmation
  7. Post goods issue for component and GR for a vehicle

Processing External Service Providers

Cross-System Transit between Two Plants

Use this process to map material stock transfers between two plants that use different SAP systems. The process uses Valuated stock functionality (STO) which is changed with a new message type GOODSMVT_SAPCREATE.

Process flow
  • Strightforward
    • Sender: recieve DELINS message ( a release from the scheduling agreement ) and create a DESADV message based on an outbound delivery, after GI send a new message GOODSMVT_SAPCREATE
    • Reciever: The receiving system increases the recipient’s transit stock after
    • Reciever: With the goods receipt posting from the receiving plant, the system books the goods quantity out of the transit stock.
  • Corrections
    • Goods Issue Cancellation
      • Cancel it with VL09 (  movement type 6A2 )
      • Sending system creates a GOODSMVT_SAPCREATE ( movement type 6B2)
    • Posting a Return Delivery in the Receiving System
      • Create a returns order 
      • Create a returns delivery 
      • Sending system creates a GOODSMVT_SAPCREATE
  • Check Report for Scheduling Agreements and Sales Orders (Sender)
  • Use SD and MM scheduling agreements or sales orders and purchase orders on sender and receiver side.
  • Each sales order or SD scheduling agreement on sender side corresponds to exactly one purchase order or MM scheduling agreement on receiver side.
  • Maintain settings
    • New customizing to map SD and MM document's settings
    • Settings for Application Link Enabling (ALE) in the sending and receiving systems.
      • Creating Customers and Goods Recipients (Sending System)
        • Assign Customer Number to an External Plant
      • Creating Vendors (Receiving System)
        • Assign the plant that the vendor represents under Additional Purchasing Data
    • Maintaining Message Determination
      • PO NEU,  MM-SA LPH1.
    • Setting Up Stock Transport Orders and Stock Transport Scheduling Agreements (Receiving System)


The SD self-billing procedure allows the customer to send self-billing documents to the vendor, stating the deliveries and amounts that are settled and paid.

Process Flow
  1. The vendor creates a delivery with reference to the SD scheduling agreement/order in his system.
  2. The vendor posts goods issue of the delivery.
  3. The vendor creates an initial billing document, which he does not send to the customer.
  4. The customer receives the materials and creates a goods receipt with reference to the delivery note number in the MM module.
  5. The customer creates a self-billing document for the goods received, using the MM ERS functions. 
  6. The customer transmits the self-billing document to the vendor "per EDI".
  7. The document must include a number that the system can use to directly or indirectly determine an SD document number.
  8. The vendor system reads and checks the transmission, which can contain several IDocs and therefore several deliveries.
  9. The vendor initiates processing of the transmission, in which the open value from the internal invoice is compared with the value in the self-billing document.
    • If the values match, an external reference number is updated in the billing (FI) document.
    • If the values do not match, the system automatically posts all differences, debit or credit, depending on the +/- sign. It assigns a reference number to all documents that are assigned to the delivery. The reference number is used later to post receipt of payment. 
      • If we have set a tolerance check, the system creates no open items unless the tolerance levels are exceeded. 
      • If the tolerance levels are exceeded, the system creates new open items. 
Consider EDI Settings for the SD Self-Billing Procedure: Logical message SBWAP.

Planning, Tracking and Executing Inbound Deliveries

Regular Route

  • Define the goods receiving point at the OEM, which serves as the last point of the route.
  • Define a receiving zone (or departure zone) for your receiving point.
  • Assign your receiving point to a plant and storage location.Assign the shipping point, or receiving point, to a plant.
  • Create the transportation connection points for your route individually for a supplier.
  • Define your route, that is, all the suppliers and the goods receiving point
  • Define the route determination in the shipping notification (or delivery) ~ Define Allowed Actual Route By Proposed Route
  • Create a transportation planning point
  • Create a Route schedule
Process flow
  • You create an initial shipment for a pending inbound delivery from the schedule.
    • With the help of a periodical report, the system selects all relevant schedules for a certain delivery date and generates shipments for them, the headers of which contain the schedule.
  • The supplier sends an EDI shipping notification announcing the inbound delivery.
    • The supplier has defined Message code AR1 for message category DESADV in the EDI Partner Profiles: Outbound Parameters.
  • The system searches for the appropriate schedule (route schedule determination).
  • The system updates the schedule and route which it determined in the header of the inbound delivery.
  • The system assigns the inbound delivery to the shipment when the route schedule for the shipment is identical to the route schedule in the inbound delivery.
  • Post goods receipt for the shipment as soon as you receive the goods from the supplier.

Tracking: Monitoring of Inbound Shipments & Monitoring Inbound Deliveries

With EDI, tracking information can be processed automatically. The logical message TRXSTA with the accompanying IDoc type TRXSTA01 is used for this.
We can use the confirmation control key to specify whether a new arrival date for individual inbound deliveries is to be determined based on the dates received.

Delivery confirmation processing 

If you receive a delivery confirmation from your JIT customer, the system automatically creates a billing document on the basis of the quantities confirmed in the delivery confirmation

In order that the system can automatically create these billing documents, specific settings are necessary for the sales documents and the billing documents. 

Sales Documents
  • For the delivery confirmation, you use scheduling agreements with sales document type LZJQ. The sales document type includes the indicator J (JIT scheduling agreements) and the delivery block Z1 (delivery block JIT). In the billing document area, do not make any entries under document type. You can check the settings in the IMG activity Define sales document types.
  • For the delivery confirmation, you use item type LZQ (SA item for dely conf.) in the scheduling agreements. This item type is not relevant to the billing document. 
  • Assign item types item type LZG is assigned to Sales document type LZJQ.
Billing Documents
  • In copy control for billing document type FX, the assignment to the source is set with sales document type LZJQ and item type LZQ. You can check the assignment in the IMG activity Maintain copy control for billing documents.

  • Set up the EDI Interface for the IDoc GSVERF02 ( VDA4913 and ANSI 861 )
  • To be able to receive the delivery confirmation, either manual or automatic matching must be set in Customizing for the delivery creation profile. JIT scheduling agreements with the sales document type LZJQ
  1. Customer sends the JIT call;
  2. Supplier delivers component groups;
  3. The JIT customer sends a delivery confirmation in regular intervals ( content:  the call components and their aggregated quantity, external call numbers of the JIT calls ).
    • Note: when executing action OGRE Post Goods Receipt for JIT Outbound, the system automatically creates a delivery confirmation
  4. The system y creates the billing document on the basis of the delivery confirmation.
    • Logistic quantity match ( quantities confirmed in the delivery confirmation <> quantities of the JIT calls ). If differences occur, process them manually.

Additional information

1590755 - FAQ: Various self-billing procedures in SD

1. Question: Which self-billing procedures are available in the ERP system in the SD area?

Answer: In the SD area, the following self-billing procedures are available for customers:
  • Standard self-billing procedure GSVERF
  • Self-billing procedure with invoice creation SBINV
  • SD self-billing procedure SBWAP
2. Question: Is there a self-billing procedure in the ERP system that can be mapped without using EDI?

Answer: No. All self-billing procedures were developed based on EDI and can be used only using EDI.  The SD documents created as part of self-billing procedures can also be created manually in dialog transactions such as VA01 and VF01.

3. Question: Where can I find the description of the uses of the standard self-billing procedure GSVERF?

Answer: In your ERP system, call transaction SE37 for the function module IDOC_INPUT_GSVERF, display the function module and choose "Function Module Documentation".  The system then displays the description of the standard self-billing procedure GSVERF.

4. Question: Where can I find the description of the uses of the self-billing procedure with invoice creation SBINV?
Answer: In your ERP system, call transaction SE37 for the function module IDOC_INPUT_SBINV, display the function module and choose "Function Module Documentation".  The system then displays the description of the self-billing procedure SBINV.

5. Question: Where can I find the description of the uses of the SD self-billing procedure SBWAP?

Answer: On the Web site, follow the following path: SAP ERP Central Component -> Logistics -> Sales and Distribution (SD) -> Billing (SD-BIL) -> Self-Billing Procedure -> Self-Billing # Complete Process. In addition, read FAQ Note 1318079 about the availability of SD self-billing procedure in different releases.

