Smartforms, Interactive Forms by Adobe

  • Toolkit
    • Text Types used in Smartforms
  • Use of SAP Smartforms
  • Use of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe


Text Types used in Smartforms

By using a Style builder, you can define smart styles in a smart form. To open style builder, Run Transaction: SMARTSTYLES. Using these smart styles, you can create paragraph, and character format that can be assigned to texts and fields in a smart form.

Dynamic Text (D)

This field which is assigned as L_TEXT should be declared in global definitions of smartforms whose type is of some Table type created in SE11.

The table type should be "type-compatible" to type TSFTEXT.

Text Element (E)

This text type is used for displaying the values where we have to either explicitly mention the variable name or the field name if it is a work area.

GV_HEADER is a variable to display the required value.

Include Text (I)

This text type is used to display the standard text that is created in the T-CODE SO10. Usually we use to read the data created in standard text using READ_TEXT function module, but in smart form we have the flexibility to directly use it.

The header details can be taken from SO10 t-code by using the below navigation.

Text Module (M)

This text type is helpful for using the same text in multiple smartforms. Suppose say we have a header text which will be same for most of the smartforms that we create then first we have to create the text module and then assign them in the smartform.

Use of SAP Smartforms 

Use of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe

PDF-Based Print Forms

This feature requires the form designer to use a clear and comprehensible layout for the form. The layout describes what information is located in which position on the form. It must also specify how to handle a large number of data records, which is usually done by distributing them throughout multiple pages.

Another important area supported by SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe is barcodes. A barcode encodes information that can be read by a scanner and then processed.

The double-sided print output and paper tray selection are supported as of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Support Package 13. Simplex and duplex printing, that is, single-sided and double-sided printing, are controlled by means of the page sets and master pages.

Interactive PDF Forms

Interactive PDF forms are used for structured data entry by the user. If multiple users enter data, this is called mass data entry. In this case, electronic support is especially beneficial because the processing and saving of data can be automated.

For interactive PDF forms, you can differentiate between static and dynamic PDF forms depending on whether the form layout changes during the interaction or not. An example is dynamic tables in which users can insert new rows or delete old rows. Another example is to hide parts of the form depending on the previous entries. This is possible only for dynamic PDF forms.

Demo programs

  • FP_TEST_03
  • FP_TEST_IA_01

Using Interactive Forms in Business Processes

  • Increasing the data integrity: If, for example, the handwriting on a paper form is illegible or cannot be read entirely after transmission by fax, this may result in problems during further processing.
  • Eliminating manual steps

Software Components and Architecture

  • Adobe LiveCycle Designer
    • Adobe LiveCycle Designer is used at design and implementation time.
  • Adobe Reader
    • Adobe Reader is required on the user’s PC at runtime.
  • Adobe Document Services (ADS)
    • ADS is the server component installed on the SAP NetWeaver stack; strictly speaking, it is installed on the Java stack and comprises Java and C++ coding. It must be configured after the installation and prior to the first usage. 

Interface and Form Context

Structure of a Form

A form describes the appearance of a document, that is, the structure of the pages and the positioning of objects, such as texts, graphics, fields, or even tables.

The form designer defines an interface so that you can assign the application data between an ABAP program and a form.

Transaction SFP

The interface defines what data are maintained by a print program and can be used in multiple forms.

Form: context & layout. 

Interface of a Form

There are three different types of interfaces:
  • ABAP Dictionary-based interface
  • XML schema-based interface
  • Smart Forms-compatible interface
Form Interface
  • Import and export parameters and exceptions are identified within the form interface. More notably, you can define new import parameters here. The export parameters and exceptions are predefined and can neither be changed nor extended.
  • You can view the exceptions by double-clicking on Exceptions. There are three
  • predefined exceptions for each interface:
    • The USAGE_ERROR exception is triggered at runtime if the transferred call parameters do not enable form creation, for example, an unknown form or an invalid output device.
    • The SYSTEM_ERROR exception indicates a runtime error, for example, if errors occur for the connection definition for Adobe Document Services (ADS).
    • The INTERNAL_ERROR exception is reserved for unforeseen errors.
Global Definitions
  • The global definitions include global data, types, and field symbols. Here, you can define custom fields that you can use in the entire form, for example, to implement calculations that are not provided by the application program.
    • Global data usually provides data that are required for the creation of sums.
    • For the Types, you can define custom data types if no corresponding ABAP Dictionary type exists
    • Field Symbols are an efficient option for using pointers in nested tables or for large data quantities.
  • The initialization enables you to process data from the interface and initialize global data. An interesting option is that you can select data from a database depending on the interface parameters.
Form Routines
  • If your initialization codes contain recurring program sections, you can outsource and call them in Form routines, as it is common in ABAP.
Currency/Quantity Fields
  • The Currency/Quantity Fields are a special case with regard to data: They are particularly important in business documents and require additional information for the output, which you as the form developer must pay special attention to.

XML Schema-Based Interface

The XML schema-based interface is particularly interesting if the application can provide the data in XML format already and no further data modeling is required via a form context. Therefore, this interface category is suitable for Web Dynpro ABAP, for example, because it already provides data modeling.

Smart Forms-Compatible Interface

Normally, such interfaces are created by migrating a Smart Form into a PDF-based print form; however, you can also create an interface of this category yourself. The Smart Forms-compatible interface contains the same parameters and exceptions as the interface of a Smart Form

Context of a Form

The context defines what data from the layout is available for the layout; the main task of the context is the data modeling

Initially, all nodes you insert are Active. An active node can be used for creating a layout and is provided with data at runtime.
  • Data Nodes
  • Text Nodes
    • SAP Smart Forms text modules
    • SAPscript include texts ( Transaction SO10 )
    • Dynamic texts
      • Enter the text under Field; an internal table of the TSFTEXT type is expected here. The structure of this table type is TLINE, which includes the fields TDFORMAT and TDLINE
      • It is sometimes possible that an application has already read the text from the database and transferred it to the parameters. In some cases, the text can also originate from a source that the text-reading functions of SAPscript and Smart Forms texts cannot access.
  • Graphic Nodes
    • Graphic Reference: URL
    • Graphic Content: The MIME type indicates the graphic format and has the “image/gif” form here.
  • Address Nodes: SFP, select PDF-Based Print Forms • Designing Forms With Form Builder • Context In Form Builder • Inserting An Address 
  • Alternatives
  • Tables and loops
    • Tables can also be nested, where multiple subitems can exist for an item row. However, it is also possible that the interface contains two (internal) tables. Here, a foreign key dependency exists between the data: In the second table, a data record exists for each item of the first table. Both data records form a common table row in the output table of the form
  • Single Record Nodes
  • Condition: For each node type (except for alternatives) you can also define a condition in the properties. 
  • Folders: are required to structure the context and you can combine various node types in one folder.

Creating Form Templates

The Hierarchy and Data View represent two different aspects of the form template in a tree structure. 
The Data View (see Figure 5.5) is a critical source of information for the creation of the form template because it displays the structure of the data that is supposed to be output via the form template. The information on the data structure is also required for data binding and script programming.

Every form is based on exactly one XML-based data structure. This is generally defined by an XML schema-based data connection

Data Binding for Form Fields

An explicit binding also enables you to use relative binding expressions, for example, a relative data binding to the wrapping subform.

Implicit Data Binding?

Structuring Form Templates with Subforms

Subforms are an option to combine several form fields and structure the form hierarchy. It makes sense to combine logically associated form fields in a subform because this helps the form designer keep the overview of the form template.

Using Master Pages and Rich Text Fields

Master pages enable you to define a page background that is displayed on multiple form pages.

Reusing Form Objects

Form objects enable you to reuse segments of a form template. If some of the segments are identical in multiple forms, or if you want to reuse script programs, you can use form objects.
  • Creating Your Own Libraries
  • Adding Form Objects

Form Output

The form interface constitutes the connection between the print program and the form. It defines what parameters are expected at runtime and provides them for the form. The form context models the data of the interface and, if necessary, enriches the data structure with texts, addresses, or graphics.

The form layout refers to the schema that is generated from the context; the fields of this schema are arranged in the layout and formatted in accordance with their requirements.

The print program is an ABAP program and is responsible for data retrieval, the type of output, and the selection of forms.

You cannot directly address the form that you created as a form object. Instead, an ABAP function module is created from the form.

Determining the Generated Function Module

DATA gx_exc_api TYPE REF TO cp_fp_api. 
 EXPORTING i_name = p_form IMPORTING e_funcname = gv_fmname. 
 CATCH cx_fp_api INTO gx_exc_api. 
 gv_err_string = gx_exc_api->get_text( ). 
 MESSAGE gv_err_string type ‘E’. 

Structure of a Print Program

A print program has the following basic structure:
  • Data selection
  • Determining the generated function module 
  • Opening the print jobs 
  • Calling the generated function module
  • Closing the print job

Opening a Print Job

gs_outputpar-reqnew = abap_true. @ Creates a new spool request

CALL FUNCTION ‘FP_JOB_OPEN’ CHANGING ie_outputparams = gs_outputpar EXCEPTIONS cancel = 1 usage_error = 2 system_error = 3 internal_error = 4 OTHERS = 5.

Calling the Generated Function Module

    /1bcdwb/docparams        = gs_docparams
    customer                 = gs_customer
    bookings                 = gt_bookings
    connections              = gt_connections
    date                     = p_date
*   /1BCDWB/FORMOUTPUT       =
   usage_error              = 1
   system_error             = 2
   internal_error           = 3
   OTHERS                   = 4.

Closing the Print Job

   usage_error          = 1
   system_error         = 2
   internal_error       = 3
   OTHERS              = 4.

Spool System

Activating the Part List As in Previous Versions. Refer to the description in SAP Note 1134660.

Special Output Scenarios


  • To archive a completed PDF document, you only have to set the archiving mode accordingly using the ARCMODE parameter when calling the FP_JOB_OPEN function module.
  • The index is part of the /1BCDWB/DOCPARAMS parameter. The assigned structure, SFPDOCPARAMS, contains a DARATAB table of the TFPDARA type and is a table that includes archive indexes.

Returning Documents

The basic difference is the call to the FP_JOB_OPEN function module; by setting the NODIALOG parameter, you suppress the print dialog. To notify the system that you want to receive a PDF, you must set the GETPDF parameter to ‘X’. Now, when the generated function module is called, the document in the PDF field of the /1BCDWB/FORMOUTPUT import parameter is returned. At the end of the program, save this document into the local file system.

Activating Parallelization in the Print Program

  • To utilize parallelization, you must activate it in the print program. For this purpose, you only need to set a parameter before you call the FP_JOB_OPEN function module: fp_outputparams-parallel = ‘X’.
  • You can monitor the status of the currently running and the already completed parallelization jobs in the ABAP system using the FP_MONITOR_PARALLEL_PROCESSING program.
  • Specify “CO_FP_PRINT_REQUEST” as the Interface because you want to log only calls for parallelization.

Tracing Using the SOA Manager

Start Transaction SOAMANAGER in your ABAP system, and select the Logs and Traces tab
. Select SOA Runtime Trace Configuration. 

XFP Output

If you need to connect another form solution to the SAP system, you can use the XFP interface. It may be necessary to use an external solution, for example, because another form solution is already in use or advanced printer control requirements exist.

Advanced Form Template Design

Floating Fields

insert a so-called “floating” field into the static text

Using Tables

Page Breaks

Change the content type from Positioned to Flowed
Set the flow direction to Top to Bottom
Allow Page Breaks Within Content

Outputting the Page Numbering in the Form

  • Navigate to the master page view
  • Add a new static text, and replace the text with “”Page /”
  • Use the Insert Current Page Number menu path to insert a placeholder for the current page number in the text

Subform Set

You can use a subform set to group subforms and define the order in which the subforms are output.

Using Patterns for Display Formatting

Conditional Page Breaks

If this condition occurs when the output is generated, a page break needs to be made.
(this.resolveNode(“DATA[-1] .CARRTA”).rawValue !=this.resolveNode(“DATA.CARRTA”).rawValue).

Form Output with Duplex Printing

Use one page set and two master pages (one for the front and one for the back)

Interactive PDF Forms

Text Fields 

In interactive PDF forms, text fields enable you to enter a text. The text can have one or more lines.

Editable State of Form Fields

  • User Entered—Optional
  • User Entered—Required

Decimal Field

Because decimal fields always require the input of a numeric value, you cannot use all characters.

Date/Time Field


Edit and validation patterns are used to increase the quality of the input data.


If you click on them, an action is triggered. 

Image Field

Image fields are different from static images in that they are interactive and thus enable you to upload an image to the PDF form.


Radio Button

Document Signature Field

Document signature fields enable you to prevent further entries to the form fields and identify the user that signed the PDF form by means of their certificate.

Dropdown List and List Box

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic properties enable you to dynamically define a form template at runtime instead of during creation. These properties include list entries of dropdown lists and list boxes, captions of form fields, validation messages and tool tips, and userdefined screen reader text for the input/output help. The properties are defined via bindings to data nodes. How this works is described next.

Using Script Programs

You can create script programs in two script languages. The first language is JavaScript, which is commonly known. The second language is called FormCalc, which is a script language developed by Adobe.

The execution of script programs is always triggered by an event.
Tools • Check Script Syntax menu path

Using the message box enables you to easily define whether a script was executed up to a specific line of the script program or not: “SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe); 

Calculations via Script Programs

var value1 = parseInt(DecimalField1.rawValue); 
var value2 = parseInt(DecimalField2.rawValue); 
this.rawValue = value1 + value2;

Input Validation via Script Programs

Select the validate event: aValue = parseInt(this.rawValue); (aValue > 10 && aValue < 20);

Controlling the Ready-for-Input Status and Visibility of Form Fields

  • TextField1.access =”readOnly”;
  • TextField1.access =”open”;
  • TextField1.presence =”hidden”;
  • TextField1.presence =”visible”;

Determining the Recipient Address for an Email Message at Runtime

Access to Data Nodes and Form Fields

//accessing data nodes
var theFields = xfa.resolveNodes(“[*].NAME”);
var aString = “”;
for (var i = 0; i < theFields.length; i++) {
  aString = aString + theFields.item(i).value;
  if (i<theFields.length-1) { aString = aString + “, “;}
// Accessing form fields
var theFields = xfa.resolveNodes(“[*].NAME”);
aString = aString + “\n”;
for (var i = 0; i < theFields.length; i++) {
  aString = aString + theFields.item(i).rawValue;
  if (i<theFields.length-1) { aString = aString + “, “;}

Dynamic Tables

Dynamic tables enable you to add new table rows, delete existing rows, or change the order of rows at runtime.

Using Barcodes

There is no way to define new barcodes yourself: you depend on the availability of barcodes.

These are two barcode categories:
  • 1D barcode
    • For one-dimensional barcodes, the encoded value is output in one dimension (usually, horizontally). These barcodes generally have a checksum because no redundancy is integrated into the barcode pattern itself.
  •  2D barcode
    • For this barcode category, the encoded value is output in two dimensions, that is, horizontally and vertically. Due to the two-dimensional output, you can use the redundancy to correct errors. The data matrix, QR, and PDF 417 barcodes are 2D barcodes.

Integration with Web Dynpro ABAP

SAP provides three basic scenarios for the integration of interactive forms. 
  • Print Scenario:  In the print scenario, the system either displays a Portable Document Format (PDF) file or automatically creates a noninteractive PDF form based on a form template. Because every PDF form is also a PDF file, it is displayed within the Web Dynpro application package using Adobe Reader. 
  • In the online scenario, the user is provided with a PDF form that is ready for input. Therefore, the user can directly fill out the fields in the form and have the inputs checked by the server.
  • In the offline scenario, similar to the online scenario, the PDF form is ready for input. However, Adobe Reader is not embedded in a Web Dynpro application in the browser, but runs in a standalone mode. As a result, you do not need a permanent connection to the server. In a typical offline scenario, the user downloads the PDF form from a server to his computer, fills it out offline, and sends the filled-out copy back to the server as soon as he is online again.

Internal Service Request

By completing and submitting the request form in SAP NetWeaver Portal, the SAP ERP system generates a notification for which a processor can be found via the SAP Business Workflow module. The processor can perform activities (for example, sending emails or carrying out transactions) directly from the notification. The request forms and the resulting workflow can be individually adapted to the service request to be implemented and the situation in the respective enterprise.

By using the notification as the data medium of the request, you can forward the request to the responsible departments or persons via SAP Business Workflow; however, you do not have to use the SAP Business Workflow module. Together with Transaction IQS8 and IQS9, the notification provides so-called worklists, which processors or approvers can use to determine the requests that are relevant to them.

ABAP Offline Infrastructure

One of the most common procedures for implementing offline scenarios is to send and receive PDF forms via email. The messages are sent and processed automatically in the background. From the technical perspective, this was already possible as of the initial availability of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe. The sending and processing only had to be programmed manually in ABAP.


ABAP Portable Document Format (PDF) object that provides you with comprehensive functions for processing PDF documents. It is an interface that uses the methods of ADS.

You can create a PDF document via the function module interface and return it to the application

An important functionality for processing interactive PDF documents is the option to extract data provided in XML format. The PDF object offers methods to transfer a PDF document and to read the XML data from it by calling ADS.

Offline Scenarios via Web Services

An interesting alternative for processing a PDF document in SAP systems is by direct link via Web services. In PDF forms, you have the option to call a Web service and to transfer data at the same time. You can also use the return values of Web services to update form fields and tables.

Using WSDL Data Connections


How to document the form?

The documentation is integrated with the normal documentation environment that you can access using Transaction SE61.

Differences between SAP Smart Forms and SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe

SAP Note 1009567 describes the functional differences between SAP Smart Forms and SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe.

When choosing a forms solution, ensure that you compare your requirements with the features offered by the respective forms solution.

This note lists the functional limitations of the SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe solution when compared to Smart Forms.

Page numbering of the print job
  • There is no page counter for the numbers of pages in a print job, but only one for the pages of a form.
Page numbering mode
  • Settings such as "Initialize Counter" or "Increase Counter" are set in a different way, scripting may be required.
Copy window and copy counter
  • Not supported.
Final window
  • Final windows as such are not supported. Often, however, the concept can be realized using scripting and the different events.
  • Styles such as the ones in Smart Forms cannot be defined in a central location and used in multiple forms.
Large documents
  • At present, there is a limit for the document size: On Microsoft Windows platforms, this is around 1,000 pages, and on UNIX or Linux systems, it is around 2,000 pages. SAP and Adobe recommend to generate no more than 800 and 1,800 pages, respectively in one document. This depends on the complexity of the form and the data. 
  • Generating large documents can even cause problems with only a few hundred pages, because the data stream is transmitted as part of a SOAP message, which can result in memory bottlenecks during the parsing of the XML document.  
  • To prevent memory bottlenecks during transfer, you can change the type of data transfer as of Netweaver 7.0 Support Package 6 for a double stack installation or as of NetWeaver 7.0 Support Package 12 for a separate ABAP Java installation. For information about the roles and table entries to be used, see SAP Note 993612.
  • In either case, however, the limit of approx. 1,000 pages (up to 2,000 pages depending on the platform) per document will remain.

Page protection
  • Among others, page protection can be set for subforms level. Page protection based on paragraphs ("Paragraph protected" or "Next paragraph same page") in Smart Forms text modules or SAPscript Include texts is not supported.
Outline paragraphs
  • Outline paragraphs in Smart Forms text modules or SAPscript Include texts are only partially supported. In particular, it is not possible to define the numbered margin independently of the left margin of the text. The numbering is always part of the text. It is not possible to initialize the numbering in the form context.
  • It is not possible to set tabs in static texts. There is no support for all types of tab orientation. It may make sense to use tables. The default tab step width is ignored.
Using graphics stored in the SAPscript graphic administration (transaction SE78)
  • Not supported.
Background graphics
  • Background graphics are not supported in the same way as Smart Forms.
SAPscript Include texts and Smart Forms text modules

Not all SAPscript or Smart Forms functions are supported. See, for example, SAP Notes 1008550, 863893, 894389 and the online documentation. These are some of the limitations: SAPscript styles, control commands, page protection, SAP characters, symbols, orientation of fields (for decimal separators using tabs, for example).

Fields cannot be used if they originate from tables.
  • Note that the form output terminates during the output of unknown fields.
Sorting, automatic calculation
  • Not supported. If possible, this should be included in the application program. You must use scripting for calculations that must be made based on the page break (page subtotals, for example).
Coding nodes in the context
  • Not supported.
Explicit page break in the context

  • Not supported. It may be possible to realize a solution using scripting.
Paper trays

  • Not supported in SAP NetWeaver 2004.

For SAP NetWeaver 7.0, the XDC scenario guide describes possible adjustments. The XDC files must be adjusted for this. Support Package 14 is required (ADS Version >= 800.20070708051308.406522).

Printer tray selection is supported with additional printer options for PCL and PostScript device types. See SAP Note 1806471 for more information.
Duplex printing
  • Supported in NetWeaver 2004 as of Support Package 18. For this and for releases of NetWeaver 7.0 older than Support Package 14, adjustment options are described in the XDC Scenario Guide. See Note 766410.
  • As of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 SP14 (ADS Version > = 800.20070708051308.406522), a more flexible design is possible: You can adjust the duplex printing in Adobe LiveCycle Designer for the relevant form. Prerequisite is Adobe LiveCycle Designer as of Version 8.0.
  • Duplex printing is supported with additional printer options for PCL and PostScript device types. See SAP Note 1806471 for more information.
Print controls
  • Not supported.
Bar codes
  • For a list of supported bar codes, see the Adobe LiveCycle Designer documentation.
Fonts OCR and MICR
  • However, the font is required for the design time and at runtime. An XDC adjustment is required.

The OCR and MICR fonts are delivered accordingly as of SAP NetWeaver 7.20 und SAP NetWeaver 7.31 ADS. See SAP Note 2018817 for more information.
OTF output format

Not supported.
ASCII output format

Not directly supported. In particular, dot matrix printers are not directly supported.
Printing is possible using PDFPRINT (see Note 1444342).
Other print formats: Prescribe, IGP

Not directly supported. Printing is possible using PDFPRINT (see SAP Note 1444342).

The supported formats are PostScript, PCL and ZPL.
As of SAP NetWeaver 7.20 ADS, the formats IPL, TPCL, and DPL are also supported.
HTML output

  • Not supported.

  • Not supported. However, there is a similar interface called XFP. The certificate is "BC-XFP 6.40".
Callbacks to other programs during form output

  • Not supported.
Fixed user values

  • The decimal and date display in the user defaults is ignored. To output a decimal figure or a date, the technology uses only the locale information passed to the form at runtime, e.g. de_DE, en_US etc.
Partial printing

  • It is not possible to print only parts of a form (neither directly when calling the template nor later from the spool overview).

  • Not supported. Before you execute the application, you must request a PDF. You must call the send interface (BCS) separately.
Grouping copies

You cannot group the output of copies, for example, first three times page 1, then page 2, and so on.
Forms in languages in which the text flows from right to left.
  • The text flow direction from right to left is supported at field level for Hebrew and Arabic as of NetWeaver 7.0 Support Package 6 (see SAP Note 886572). Note that, for subforms, the text flow direction from right to left (RTL) cannot be specified. In addition, the layout is not automatically mirrored as in Smart Forms. The text flow direction RTL in subforms and layout mirroring is supported as of NetWeaver 7.31 and Adobe LiveCycle Designer 9.8. For more information, see Note 1539317.
Sending and downloading ADS requests from SP01
  • Supported with restrictions. See SAP Notes 1291734 and 1717357.
Cover page

  • Not supported.


Hide field (form calc)/ form ready (12/05/2021)

if ( not HasValue($) )
then $.parent.presence = "hidden"

How to use dynamic texts? 

Create an import parameter or a global variable with the type TSFTEXT.

Adobe form using javascript

Translating smart forms

  • Call up transaction SE63
  • Depending on the type of PDF-based form, enter the object type ID PDFA (PDF-based interactive forms) or PDFB (PDF-based print forms) in the command field and choose Enter.
