SD Error handling

1803416 - SD Condition table - transport problem

Condition tables (Axxx) should never be transported directly because they're generated objects. Only the meta-data contained in the transport objects R3TR VKOI and R3TR VKOS should be transported. The table will then be generated after import.

So instead of having the transport object R3TR TABL Axxx, there should be a transport request including R3TR VKOI Axxx and R3TR VKOS Axxx.

Check table inconsistencies after transports:
Goto transaction SE03:
Objects in request -> Search for Objects in Requests/Tasks:
- below R3TR DTEL in the input field add:VKOI, below VKOS -> press Enter
- enter the table name Axxx for both lines, select the lines and execute
You can find all transports which includes this condition table. Check in these transport that only VKOS and VKOI data was transported, not TABL.

Goto SE16: check following table entries:
- T681E: contains information from VKOS
- TMC1K: contains information from VKOI - only variable key fields are included (field GSTRU=Axxx)
- TMC1D: contains information from VKOI - non-key fields included (field GSTRU=Axxx)

Goto SE11: Axxx -> check the fields, also Version management (Utilities -> Versions -> Version Management)
This you compare with the above table entries.

Table transport: deletion and recreation at the same time
If you delete a table and recreate it new with different keys, the deletion should be transported first, so that this table and it's related table entries (i.e. the R3TRVKOI and R3TRVKOS objectsT681, T681E,...) are really deleted from the system. Afterwards the new (recreated table) can be transported.
It both changes are transported together: RV_COND_TABLE_GEN_ACT_METHOD occurs, because the transported condition table can not be activated automatically. In this case the after-import-method fails because it is not possible to activate the "new" Axxx table because there was still an "old" Axxx in the system with different key fields.
Please see also SAP note 886773, question 14.

Condition table description transport:
The required texts are stored in table TMC1T.
1. Logon in language, where the description is missing (e.g. German).
2. Transaction V/04, enter the table number Axxx)  ->ENTER
3. Either enter a text into the description field (next to the table number) or you press the button 'Propose/maintain text' at the right-hand side. This proposes the short text of the (variable) key fields as table description.
4. Press the 'Generate' button at the top left-hand side. Now you can save your changes.
5. Transaction SE09: Here you can see the transport request with the  transportation objects R3TR VKOI Axxx and R3TR VKOS Axxx.
   The TMC1T table entries are part of the VKOI transportation object.  So if you release the transport, the description will also be  transported.
    4.    Condition table transport incomplete:

           Update the R3trans to the latest version, available on the SAP Service Marketplace,

           as described in SAP note 2377867 .
