openSAP: Build Better Products with a Human-Centered Product Backlog
Good Product Backlog Definition Aspects of a product backlog Product Backlog Structure and User Story Mapping Story-driven communication Document-driven communication Preconditions for User Story Mapping (USM) Product vision statement Creating As-Is and To-Be Processes Creating the Walking Skeleton User story mapping Writing, Refining, and Splitting Your User Stories INVEST criteria Deriving Non-Functional Requirements from Your User Stories Product Backlog Validation and Refinement A Deep Dive into the Persona Technique Validating Your Backlog with Storyboards Building Your Storyboard with SAP Scenes on MURAL Collaborating with Your Customers During Discovery Project pre-sprint activities Refining Your User Stories with Customers Product Backlog Ranking Estimating Complexity for Your User Stories Identifying the Business Value Categorizing User Benefits with the Kano Methodology Ranking Your Product Backlog Planning the Delivery of Product Increments Good Product Backlog Definition As...