TM Basics

  1. TM
    • Organisationsstruktur
    • Stammdaten
    • Transportkapazitätsmanagement
    • Frachtkostenabrechnung
  2. LE-TRA Component (S4/ECC) 
    • Transportation Planning Status
  3. Integration
    • Customizing
    • Order integration
      • Send Sales Order to Transportation Management System / Send Customer Return to Transportation Management System / Send Purchase Order to Transportation Management System
      • Send Delivery Proposal to SAP ERP (Outbound Delivery)
      • Send Delivery Proposal to SAP ERP (Inbound Delivery)
      • Send SAP ERP Delivery to SAP TM
      • Split Outbound Delivery
      • Update Outbound Delivery
    • Invoice integration
      • Forwarding Settlement ( Customer Freight Invoice Request Processing  )
      • Invoice Simulation
      • Invoice Notification
      • Freight Settlement
    • Posting Goods Issue from TM
    • Scheduling of SAP ERP Sales Orders in SAP TM



Die Verkaufsorganisation ist in den folgenden Dokumenten relevant: Speditionsangebot,  Speditionsauftrag, Speditionsvereinbarung, Speditionsabrechnungsbeleg.

Die folgenden Dokumente sind in der Regel mit der Einkaufsorganisation verknüpft: Frachtauftrag, Frachtbuchung,  Serviceauftrag,  Frachtvereinbarung,  Frachtabrechnungsbeleg.

Planungs- und Ausführungsorganisationen.
  • Frachteinheit, Packstückeinheit, Transporteinheit, Frachtauftrag, Frachtbuchung, Ressource
Eine Niederlassung ist eine Organisationseinheit, die Verkaufsaktivitäten, Einkaufsaktivitäten sowie Planungs- und Ausführungsaktivitäten durchführen kann und daher jedem der genannten Dokumente und Objekte zugeordnet werden kann.

It is created under Organizational staff and can be read from SAP system. 



Im Spediteurprofil, das für Geschäftspartner mit der Rolle Spediteur in der Transaktion /SCMTMS/TSPP oder auf der klassischen Benutzeroberfläche über den Menüpfad Logistik > Transportation Management > Stammdaten > Transportnetz > Spediteurprofil definieren angelegt werden kann, sind zusätzliche spediteurspezifische Informationen hinterlegt.

Wenn Sie die Organisation eines Unternehmens definieren, werden Geschäftspartner automatisch für die einzelnen Organisationseinheiten angelegt.

Es ist auch möglich, die Mitarbeiter eines Geschäftspartners selbst als Geschäftspartner zu definieren, wenn sie eine eigene Rolle im Unternehmen Ihres Geschäftspartners einnehmen (z. B. den Disponenten oder Ansprechpartner des Spediteurs, der persönlich für Ihr Unternehmen zuständig ist).

Die automatische Zuordnung des Geschäftspartners wird durch ein Partnerfindungsprofil gesteuert, das im Customizing der entsprechenden Belegart zugeordnet werden kann.



  • Die Erstellung von Lokationen auf Basis von Geschäftspartnerstammdaten kann über eine Implementierung des BAdIs /SAPAPO/LOC_CREATE aktiviert werden. Die BAdIImplementierung ermöglicht es, nach dem Anlegen eines Geschäftspartners eine Lokation anzulegen.
  • Schließlich können Lokationen auch auf Basis des Reports /SAPAPO/CREATE_LOCATION angelegt werden. 


 Im Materialstamm gibt es eine Vertriebssicht (Vertrieb: allg./Werk), in der Sie die Transportgruppe TranspGr und die Materialfrachtgruppe MatFraGruppe als transportrelevante Attribute pflegen.

Der Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen wird durch zahlreiche Gesetze und Vorschriften geregelt. Wenn ein Material als gefährlich eingestuft ist, müssen Sie einen Gefahrgutstammsatz anlegen, um dieses Material während der Transportabwicklung richtig zu behandeln.

Gefahrgutkennzeichenprofil im Materialstamm

Mit dem DRF werden Stammdaten wie Geschäftspartner, Produkte und Lokationen zwischen Quellsystemen (z. B. SAP ERP oder SAP S/4HANA) und Zielsystemen (SAP TM in SAP S/4HANA) repliziert


Das Transportnetz definiert die direkte Erreichbarkeit zwischen Ihren Lokationen und Umladelokationen, die gemeinsam definieren, wie Fracht zwischen Ihren Lokationen transportiert werden kann.

Eine Lokation stellt einen logischen und/oder physischen Ort dar, an dem Waren angeliefert, abgeholt oder umgeladen werden oder an dem LKW und Anhänger gekuppelt oder abgekoppelt werden.

Ein Transportnetz enthält in der Regel eine große Anzahl von Lokationen. Das Transportnetz kann sehr gut über eine Transportzonenhierarchie strukturiert werden, in der Zonen anderen, übergeordneten Zonen zugeordnet werden können.

Transportbeziehungen definieren die Erreichbarkeit von Lokationen im Transportnetz und werden durch drei Elemente definiert:
  1. einen Startpunkt, der eine Lokation oder eine Transportzone sein kann 
  2. einen Zielpunkt, der ebenfalls eine Lokation oder eine Transportzone sein kann 
  3. ein Transportmittel
Ein Fahrplan stellt einen wiederkehrenden Transport dar, der einer vordefinierten Lokationssequenz folgt. Er kann zur Modellierung eines regelmäßigen Schiffs-, Luft-, Straßen- oder Schienenverkehrs verwendet werden und ist für einen bestimmten Zeitraum gültig. Fahrpläne werden zur Erstellung von Frachtdokumenten genutzt, die auf jeweils einer Fahrplanabfahrt basieren. Jeder Fahrplan gehört zu einer Fahrplanart.

In globalen Transportnetzen wird ein einzelner Transportauftrag in der Regel intermodal, d. h. über mehrere Verkehrszweige nacheinander ausgeführt. Der Wechsel des Verkehrszweigs findet an Umladelokationen statt, bei denen die Ware entladen und dann umgeladen wird.

Verkehrsbeziehungen (Trade Lanes) legen die grundlegenden geografischen Beziehungen fest, die alle diese Business-Objekte strukturieren. Eine Verkehrsbeziehung kann sich auf einen Verkehrszweig und ein Transportmittel beziehen. Sie definiert eine Transportrichtung, die durch die Ausrichtung sowie eine Quelle und ein Ziel (beide sind entweder eine Lokation oder eine Zone) festgelegt ist.

Das Transportnetz-Cockpit ermöglicht die Darstellung des Transportnetzes oder von Teilen davon auf einer geografischen Karte sowie das Anlegen von Stammdatenobjekten wie Lokationen, Transportzonen und Verkehrsbeziehungen auf der Karte.


  • Fahrzeugressourcen repräsentieren LKW, Anhänger, Lokomotiven und Waggons.
  • Transporteinheitsressourcen modellieren Seefracht- oder Luftfrachtcontainer
  • Fahrer
  • Kalenderressourcen stellen die Öffnungszeiten an den Lokationen dar.
  • Handlingressourcen verallgemeinern Kalenderressourcen und stellen zusätzliche zeitabhängige Kapazitätsrestriktionen dar, die z. B. die Anzahl der offenen Tore in einem Lager abbilden können.
  • Der Verkehrszweig definiert, welches Verkehrsmittel (z. B. Straße, Bahn, See und Luft) für den Transport verwendet wird
  • Das Transportmittel ist einem Verkehrsmittel zugeordnet und modelliert eine Klasse von Fahrzeugressourcen mit gleichen Grundeigenschaften, wie beispielsweise der Ermittlung von Entfernungen und Dauern oder der Definition von Planungskosten
  • Eine Fahrzeugressource ist einem Transportmittel zugeordnet und stellt eine Ressource wie z. B. einen LKW, einen Anhänger, eine Lokomotive oder einen Waggon dar, die für die Planung und Ausführung genutzt werden kann.
Grundidee einer Equipmentart ist es, bestimmte Eigenschaften einmalig zu definieren, die dann von der Equipmentart in eine neue Ressource der jeweiligen Art kopiert werden (beachten Sie, dass Sie auch eine Ressource explizit kopieren können). Eine Equipmentgruppe ist eine Gruppierung mehrerer Equipmentarten mit dem Hauptzweck, sie zu strukturieren.


Mit dem Transportkapazitätsmanagement können Sie den Verbrauch der Transportkapazitäten Ihrer Spediteure lang-, mittel- und kurzfristig planen. So können Sie sich die Kapazitäten sichern, die Sie für Ihr Transportgeschäft benötigen, und die Transportkosten durch frühzeitige Reservierung reduzieren.


LE-TRA Component (S4/ECC)

Transportation Planning Status (TRSTA)

Delivery is not to be processed in transportation planning. This is the case when:
  • the delivery type is not relevant for transportation, or
  • the route is not relevant for transportation (only for outbound deliveries; not required for inbound deliveries), or
  • a shipment block has been set in the delivery (only for outbound deliveries: not required for inbound deliveries)


Use integration of SAP ERP orders and deliveries to facilitate transportation planning and execution in SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM). The orders and deliveries are represented by transportation requirements in SAP TM.
  1. Orders can be sent as order-based transportation requirements
  2. SAP TM can generate a proposal for a delivery to be created in SAP ERP based on the order-based transportation requirement.
  3. Outbound deliveries and inbound deliveries that are created in SAP ERP can be transferred to SAP TM, where they are stored as delivery-based transportation requirements.
  4. While creating sales orders in SAP ERP, transportation scheduling can be done synchronously in SAP TM.
  5. Integrate transportation planning in SAP TM with delivery and shipment processing in SAP ERP and warehouse planning and execution in SAP EWM.
  6. If a product contained in an order or delivery is classified as dangerous goods, SAP TM considers this information to ensure a safe and compliant transportation of the product. 


Transportation Management> Integration> 

Define Control Keys for Document Integration

Which documents in a document chain are to be integrated into Transportation Management (TM)

Define Transportation-Relevance of Sales Documents

When you create a sales document for which the integration has been activated, the system assigns the control key to the sales document (parameter TM_CONTROL_KEY) and to all relevant documents in the document chain (for example, the outbound delivery). This is a fixed parameter that cannot be changed subsequently in the sales document.

Scenario: Posting Goods Issue from TM

You cannot cancel the goods issue from TM. If it is necessary to cancel the goods issue this has to be done manually in ERP.

An outbound delivery has been sent from SAP ERP to SAP TM and a delivery-based transportation requirement (DTR) has been created in SAP TM.

In SAP ERP, the synchronous ERP inbound service OutboundDeliveryERPChangeRequestConfirmation_In_V1 is used to post a goods issue for an outbound delivery in ERP. In SAP TM this service is replicated as an outbound service: OutboundDeliveryERPChangeRequestConfirmation_Out_V1. This TM outbound service does not support the complete functionality of the ERP inbound service but only the subset needed for goods issue posting.

You can run the program /SCMTMS/POST_GI_BATCH to post goods issue to SAP ERP.

Scenario: Invoice integration

Use this integration scenario to transfer settlement documents from SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) to SAP ERP to create billing documents or accruals.

#Service: Forwarding Settlement ( Customer Freight Invoice Request Processing  )
  1. Send Forwarding Settlement Request: SAP TM requests the creation, change, or cancellation of a billing document in SAP ERP. The billing document is based on a forwarding settlement document in SAP TM.
  2. Create Customer Invoice: SAP ERP creates, changes, or cancels the billing document based on the request received from SAP TM. It then sends a confirmation to SAP TM. 
  3. Receive Forwarding Settlement Confirmation: SAP TM receives the confirmation and updates the corresponding forwarding settlement document. If SAP TM cannot process the confirmation, an error is triggered in SAP TM.

#Service: Freight Settlement
  1. Send Freight Settlement Request: SAP TM requests the creation, change, or cancellation of accruals in SAP ERP (that is, the creation of a service purchase order and one or more service entry sheets). The accruals are based on a freight settlement document in SAP TM. SAP ERP also sends an update to SAP TM as soon as the corresponding supplier invoice has been posted.
  2. Create Supplier Invoice: SAP ERP creates, changes, or cancels the accruals (that is, the service purchase order and one or more service entry sheets) based on the request received from SAP TM. It then sends a confirmation to SAP TM.  
  3. Receive Freight Settlement Confirmation: SAP TM receives the confirmation from SAP ERP and updates the corresponding freight settlement document.  
#Service: Invoice Notification
  1. Send Invoice Notification: SAP ERP sends a notification about the receipt of a supplier invoice to SAP TM.
  2. Receive Invoice Notification from ERP: SAP TM receives the invoice notification and updates the posted amounts in the corresponding freight settlement document. If SAP TM cannot process the invoice notification, an error is triggered in SAP TM.
#Service: Invoice Simulation
  1. Simulate Customer Invoice: SAP TM sends a new or changed forwarding settlement document or credit memo to SAP ERP and requests the transfer of data to preview the customer invoice or credit memo. SAP ERP returns the required data to SAP TM.
  2. Simulate Forwarding Settlement Request in ERP System: SAP TM uses the data provided by SAP ERP to generate a preview of the customer invoice or credit memo.


Integration with Other SAP Components> Transportation Management > Invoice Integration > Billing
  • Category codes, subcategory codes, and charge types in SAP ERP for the charge types from SAP TM: Integration with Other SAP Components Transportation Management Invoice Integration
  • Settings for Posting Forwarding Settlements
    • Condition types in SAP ERP for SAP TM charge types -> to post forwarding settlement documents from TM to create SD billing document in Sales and Distribution
    • Assign transportation charge element categories, transportation charge element subcategories, and transportation charge elements to condition types
    • Assign the credit memo reason code from the SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) system to the order reason code in SAP ERP.
  • Settings for Posting Intracompany Settlements
    • Assign a transportation charge type in SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) to a primary cost element mapping for intra company settlement processing in SAP ERP
    • Assign a Sender Organization which is a forwarding house as an organizational unit in Transportation Management (TM) to an internal order or cost center
    • Assign Internal Order / Cost Center to Receiver Organization
Integration with Other SAP Components> Transportation Management > Invoice Integration > Invoicing
  • Assign Service Master Record and Account Assignment Category: assign charge information from Transportation Management (TM) to a service master record and an account assignment category used for posting in Financial Accounting (FI).
  • Assign freight settlement document information from Transportation Management (TM) to purchasing information in Materials Management (MM). You can assign a freight settlement document type, freight settlement document category, and freight settlement document category description from TM to a purchasing document type, material group, plant, and purchasing group in purchasing.
Integration with Other SAP Components> Transportation Management > Invoice Integration > Tax
  • SD creates a billing item for a charge item, and applies tax to the billing item. In some countries, you may need to calculate tax for each charge type contained in each individual charge line in a charge item. To facilitate this, SD creates a billing item for each charge line in a settlement document when you enable tax for a country in SAP TM.
  • In TM you can have multiple charge types in a charge item. As standard, MM determines the tax code at the level of purchase order item or the individual service item. 
Integration with Other SAP Components> Transportation Management > Invoice Integration > Mapping for Cost Distribution

The role you have in the transportation process determines how you should use the cost distribution feature. You can have the role of shipper or logistics service provider (LSP).
You create a freight settlement document to transfer the transportation costs from SAP TM to SAP ERP for verification. You must perform cost distribution at the level of ERP item in the freight settlement document. You use service entry sheets and agency business documents to post the distributed costs in SAP ERP.

Invoice Preview Enhancement You can preview a final invoice in SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) as it would appear in SAP ERP. The preview merges information from the relevant forwarding settlement document and tax information from SAP ERP.

Scenario: Order integration

#Service: Send Sales Order to Transportation Management System / Send Customer Return to Transportation Management System / Send Purchase Order to Transportation Management System

#Service: Send Delivery Proposal to SAP ERP (Outbound Delivery)
  1. Send Outbound Delivery Proposal (as Bulk): SAP TM creates delivery proposals and sends them to SAP ERP to request the creation of the corresponding deliveries. In this step, multiple delivery proposals may be grouped into a bulk message to enable joint transmission, and to ensure that the delivery proposals are processed in the correct sequence and with sufficient levels of performance.
  2. Create Outbound Delivery (as Bulk): SAP ERP sends a bulk confirmation to SAP TM, which contains individual confirmations for each delivery proposal in the bulk request that was received from SAP TM. If SAP ERP cannot process the complete request, an error is triggered in SAP ERP.
  3. Receive Outbound Delivery Bulk Confirmation: SAP TM receives the bulk confirmation from SAP ERP and creates an entry in the application log. The application log entry includes the system messages that were created in SAP ERP during delivery creation, as well as the total number of deliveries created in SAP ERP and the ID of each delivery. If an error occurred during delivery creation in SAP ERP, SAP TM generates an alert. When a confirmation is received, SAP TM sets a confirmation timestamp in the relevant freight units. 

#Service: Send Delivery Proposal to SAP ERP (Inbound Delivery)
  1. Send Inbound Delivery Proposal: SAP TM creates delivery proposals and sends them to SAP ERP to request the creation of the corresponding deliveries. Note that inbound delivery proposals are sent using single messages; unlike outbound delivery proposals, which are sent using bulk messages.
  2. Create Inbound Delivery: SAP ERP creates one or more inbound deliveries based on the delivery proposals received from SAP TM. SAP ERP might split a proposed delivery (for example, based on additional split criteria defined in SAP ERP). SAP ERP sends a confirmation to SAP TM. If SAP ERP cannot process the complete request, an error is triggered in SAP ERP.
  3. Receive Inbound Delivery Confirmation: SAP TM receives the confirmation from SAP ERP and creates an entry in the application log. The application log entry includes the system messages that were created in SAP ERP during delivery creation, as well as the total number of deliveries created in SAP ERP and the ID of each delivery. If an error occurred during delivery creation in SAP ERP, SAP TM generates an alert.

#Service: Send SAP ERP Delivery to SAP TM
  1. Send Outbound Delivery to Transportation Management System / Send Inbound Delivery to Transportation Management System: When an outbound delivery or inbound delivery is created, changed, or canceled in the SAP ERP system, SAP ERP sends the delivery to SAP TM.
  2. Import Delivery from SAP ERP: SAP TM creates, changes, or cancels a delivery-based transportation requirement (DTR) based on the request received from SAP ERP. When SAP TM creates the DTR, the DTR consumes the transportation demand of the corresponding order-based transportation requirement or requirements, if applicable. That is, SAP TM determines the corresponding OTR items and reassigns the freight units to the DTR.

#Service: Split Outbound Delivery
  1. Send Outbound Delivery Split: Based on planning changes, SAP TM requests that an outbound delivery is split in SAP ERP.
  2. Split Outbound Delivery: SAP ERP splits the outbound delivery and sends a confirmation to SAP TM.
  3. Receive Outbound Delivery Split Confirmation: SAP TM receives confirmation of the split from SAP ERP.

#Service: Update Outbound Delivery
  1. Send Outbound Delivery Update: Based on planning changes related to changed dates, SAP TM requests that an outbound delivery is updated in SAP ERP.
  2. Update Outbound Delivery: SAP ERP updates the outbound delivery and sends a confirmation to SAP TM.
  3. Receive Outbound Delivery Update Confirmation: SAP TM receives confirmation of the update from SAP ERP.

Scenario: Scheduling of SAP ERP Sales Orders in SAP TM

A shipper can use this integration scenario to carry out transportation planning synchronously in SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) during sales order processing in SAP ERP. This enables the transportation situation to be taken into account when calculating feasible dates and quantities for sales order items.

During order processing in SAP ERP, the transportation situation reflected in SAP TM is taken into account for calculating feasible dates and quantities for order items. This ensures that the sales order situation and the ATP situation are synchronized with the current situation in transportation.
  • Determination of transportation requirement type
  • Determination of freight unit building rule
  • Determination of planning profile
Customizing in ERP
  • Have activated the delivery and transport scheduling in Customizing for SAP ERP under Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Delivery Scheduling and Transportation Scheduling Define Scheduling by Sales Document Type.
  • Have maintained the standard ATP Customizing in SAP ERP under Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements.
  • the Sales Order Scheduling in SAP TM checkbox is selected

Schedule lines that were generated by a previous ATP check are removed.

The SAP TM scheduling service either schedules the material availability date backwards based on a given requested delivery date, or it schedules the delivery date forwards based on a given material availability date.

In addition to the material availability date and delivery date, SAP TM also determines the loading date, goods issue date, and transportation planning date.

During rescheduling, the system redistributes the available quantity according to the selection in the entry screen (transaction V_V2). For each sales order that is relevant for SAP TM, the system calls the SAP TM scheduling service within an ATP check.


The integration scenario comprises the following synchronous communication steps between an SAP ERP system and an SAP TM system in the same company:
  1. Simulate Sales Order in Transportation Management System
  2. While creating, changing, or rescheduling a sales order in sales order processing in SAP ERP, a shipper triggers sales order scheduling for the sales order items. SAP ERP sends the sales order data to SAP TM and requests the simulation of an order-based transportation requirement (OTR) and the related planning activities.
  3. Simulate ERP Sales Order
  4. When SAP TM receives the sales order data, it creates a temporary OTR, triggers transportation planning, and returns the planning results to SAP ERP. When SAP ERP receives the results of the simulation, it updates the schedule lines of the sales order accordingly.
