Templates [rev]

  • Templates
    • Processing an incident
    • Processing a request for a change
    • Deeping dive into the Project 
  • Tools to visualize
  • Risk management
  • Communication
  • Soft skills
    • Design thinking
    • Own standards
    • System thinking 
    • Presentation
    • Communication 
    • Leadership
    • Correspondence 

ABAP Developer
  1. Use the new syntax and the commands from Cookbook
  2. Use the patterns and apply a modular approach: draw data model at the high level and only afterward start coding 
  3. Use the variables from the context and not from the global area ( example: pricing formula and requirement routines use the different variables to determine the condition type )
  4. Structure the new objects ( Packages )

Dealing with issue 


  • An incident is to be solved as soon as possible to have the data and context unchanged.
  • Business process and technical knowledge of the context is critically important


  1. Identification
  2. Recognize the issue
    • Issue evidence (negative effect)
    • Solution criteria (positive effect)
  3. Analysis
    • Context (business process )
    • Function analyzed 
    • Root cause determination
  4. Follow up actions
  5. KB 

Dealing with a change request

Deeping dive into the Project ( AMS )

#1 Gather information available: documentation, video 

#2 Define the business units 
  • Company codes, Plants

#3 Build the communication model for business units

  • Who are the stakeholders? #Decision
  • Who are the business process owners? #Domain knowledge, Projects
  • Who are the key users? #Domain knowledge, Requestors
  • Who are the external partners? #WokrInProgress, Technical knowledge, Business processes 
  • Who is the local IT support?  #WokrInProgress, Technical knowledge, Business processes 
  • Who are your team members?  #WokrInProgress, Technical knowledge, Business processes 

#4 Integrated system view with functions

  • SAP system, IS, Release?
  • What are 3-rd party systems?

#5 What is the business domain? 

  • What do the business units of the company?
  • What are the main business processes?
  • Industry-specific?

#6 What are the main business partners for a business unit 

  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Forwarding agents
  • FI institutes 
  • Internal business units 

#7 What are the main business processes for a business unit 

Tools to visualize

Risk management

Риск — это неопределённое условие или событие, которое при наступлении может иметь негативный эффект. Решением проблемы рисков, должно быть (1) наличие антихрупкости и (2) правил избежания областей, где вероятность возникновения риска будет высокой.

Области рисков
  • Решения вместо потребностей: Вероятность того, что заинтересованные лица будут навязывать решения вместо потребностей, что повлечёт за собой разработку ненужного функционала, либо попросту трату времени на прояснение этих самых потребностей.
  • Scope creep: Неконтролируемое расширение границ решения
  • Ограниченные искусственно сроки на разработку требований
  • Несогласие со стороны клиента: неверно понятые требования — следствие ошибки аналитика.
    • Неявные, скрытые требования.
    • Когда есть что — то само собой разумеющееся, а потому не озвучивается и, как следствие, не учитывается аналитиком.
  • Неверная приоритизация.
    • Неверная приоритезация может повлечь недовольство со стороны клиента.
  • Непровалидированные, непроверифицированные требования.
    • Непровалидированные требования — требования, которые потенциально не отражают потребностей заинтересованных лиц, а значит потенциально направлены на разработку ненужного функционала.
    • Непроверифицированные требования — потенциально некачественные требования: неполные, некорректные и т. д. Отсутствие одного из качеств хорошо написанных требований может привести к ряду проблем.


Design Thinking 

SAP’s Human-Centered Approach to Innovation starts with Design Thinking, empathizing with the end user to discover their true needs. As we design and iterate, we combine Design Thinking with Architecture Thinking to create a solution that is experientially desirable, technologically feasible, and financially viable.

Enterprise Architecture Toolkit

Combining Design Thinking and Architectural Thinking

  • Explore
    • Use-case definition &  Stakeholder map
      • Process Mapping: The Process Mapping exercise helps you structure a future or current process and analyze connections between different stakeholders within the process. 
        • Set the frame by giving the process a name and defining  what action triggers the process and how long the  process takes.
        • Define stakeholders. Collect all roles involved in the  process with their respective needs and goals.
        • Now describe which systems are involved in the process  and what role those systems might have in this process.
        • Transfer the stakeholders and systems to the process  template. Insert step-by-step activities that define the  process.
        • Now add the connections between stakeholders by adding  arrow connectors. Write down notes to articulate how the  stakeholders are dependent on each other.
    • Strategy Map & Statement of Architecture Work
    • Align With Your Corporate Strategy (Business Domain)
      1. Write down your company’s vision statement
      2. Articulate your company’s strategic direction based on the vision and drivers
      3. Break down mission into strategic goals, and objectives
      4. Map projects and initiatives to the goals and their objectives
    • Identify the Scope of Your Architecture
    • Solution Context Diagram
      • The goal of the Solution Context Diagram is to provide a high-level overview of the aspired solution that can be easily understood by the business.
  • Discover
    • Gain common understanding of current environment and needs via consumer, employee, and market research & As-is user journey
    • Solution Context & Architecture Principles & Architecture Principles
    • Solution context diagram

  • Design
    • Storyboard for selected solution idea & User stories
    • Solution Concept & Conceptual Data Diagram & Architectural Decisions & Solution Realization
      • Solution Realization Diagram
        • The purpose of the Solution Realization Diagram is to add technical details so  that it can be used for the implementation phase of the aspired solution. Solution Building Blocks are product or vendor-aware and can be either  developed or procured
      • Software Distribution Diagram
  • Deliver
    • Deliver productive solution & Architecture Roadmap

Soft skills


Versetzen Sie sich in die Lage Ihres Lesers, und passen Sie den Stil und Inhalt Ihres Briefes an seine Bedürfnisse an. Stellen Sie sich folgende Fragen, bevor Sie zu schreiben beginnen: 
  •  Wer ist mein Leser/meine Leserin? 
  •  Was weiß er/sie bereits über das Thema? 
  •  Welche Informationen braucht er/sie?
  • Was ist interessant für ihn/sie? 
  • Was bewegt ihn/sie?
  • Was beunruhigt ihn/sie? 
  •  Was wird ihn/sie von meinen Standpunkt überzeugen? 
  • Wie wird er/sie wahrscheinlich auf meine Vorschläge reagieren? Welche Fachausdrücke versteht er/sie?
  • Stellen Sie wichtige Informationen an den Beginn, ohne mit der Tür ins Haus zu fallen.
  • Beginnen Sie Ihren Brief nicht mit „leider“ oder „bedauerlicherweise“
  • Langweilen Sie nicht mit einer Wiederholung des Betreffs
  • Verzichten Sie auf „hiermit“ oder „mit diesem Schreiben“
  • „Sie“ statt „wir“
End statement should be always positiv. 
