ABAP Development for SAP TM
LE-TRA User Exits for SD Transport Processing Statusermittlung bei Aufruf aus der Lieferungsbearbeitung Integration Sales Order Integration with External Delivery Integration with External TMS Purchasing Document Integration with External TMS BAdI: Location Creation for Business Partners Selection of Outbound Interfaces Processed for Purchase Order LE-TRA LV45P025/transportstatus_lieferung * Check if TM controls the planning status SELECT SINGLE pln_status_upd_tm_ind int_mode FROM tms_c_control INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF ls_tms_ctrl WHERE tm_ctrl_key = f_likp-tm_ctrl_key. User Exits for SD Transport Processing EXIT_SAPLV56U_007: Additional Rules for Determining Transportation Planning Status The transportation planning status of the affected deliveries is updated if a shipment is saved during shipment processing. You can determine the transportation planning status of deliveries with additional rules in this function. Integration Purchasing Document Integration wi...