
Showing posts from February, 2021


Notes Ловушки мышления Library Простые решения непростых задач. Процессная ТРИЗ в жизни и бизнесе. С.В. Куклаев Notes Ловушки мышления Library Простые решения непростых задач. Процессная ТРИЗ в жизни и бизнесе. С.В. Куклаев Правда о самих себе Если наша потребность сильна , то сильна и эмоция. Если возможность ее удовлетворения велика, то эмоция положительна. Если нам многого не хватает для удовлетворения потребности - эмоция отрицательна. В этой простой формуле вся наша как счастливая, так и несчастная любовь, весь наш жизненный успех или неудача. Именно энергопотенциал начинает использоваться, тратиться в наших действиях, поступках, вырастающих из наших эмоций, обеспечивая саму их возможность Небольшой промежуточный вывод: эмоции если и не лежат в основе, то тесно связаны с базисом нашей личности: - дающим нам силы энергопотенциалом, - направляющими нас потребностями - и определяющими характер наших действий логическими координатами , или сокращенно ЭПЛК: Энергопотенциал +Потребност

Scheduling in Procurement / Planning

Additional information 2019002 - Planned delivery time of contract ignored in PR created via MRP 2767024 - Planned Order showing the planned delivery time from the material master incorrectly 2292182 - Planned delivery time isn't calculated as per working days  Additional information 2019002 - Planned delivery time of contract ignored in PR created via MRP Planned delivery time in Contract defined in source list is not taken into account for requisition created by MRP. Planned delivery time defined in the material master record is considered in the Purchase Requisition created by MRP instead of the planned delivery time defined in a contract. Enter transaction OMDT. Select MRP group. Select Field "Sched:Info/Agrmt" for plant and mrp group. Save. Create a contract (outline agreement) for material in transaction. Maintain planned delivery time in contract. Create a source list for the material and plant with the outline agreements as a source and relevant for MRP. Create R

Physical inventory

Pre-steps into Physical inventory How does the Physical Inventory Management Process count process look like? What are physical inventory options? Periodic inventory Continuous inventory Cycle counting Inventory sampling Data model Customizing Development Reporting What else to consider? Stock types Serial numbers Physical Inventory of Handling Units Hints Additional information Printing the document 202834 Determ. of book quantity within physical inventory 2867898 - Physical Inventory for Serial Numbered Materials, Equals, CountedStck, BookInvent. 2926186 - How to carry out a handling unit inventory correctly? 2539063 - Authorization Check: authorization objects in Inventory Management 2554230 - Create physical inventory document via BAPI Pre-steps into Physical inventory  How does Physical Inventory Management Process count process look like? Physical Inventory Preparation Complete open chains of documents (processes) as it should be followed to keep the inventory transaction histor

ABAP cookbook with #2

Create an email (Outlook) and attach a file Create an email (Outlook) and attach a file  cl_gui_frontend_services=>registry_get_value( EXPORTING root = cl_gui_frontend_services=>hkey_local_machine key = 'SOFTWARE\Classes\Outlook.Application\CurVer' IMPORTING reg_value = lv_reg_value). cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ). DATA(lo_gen_ebpp_notification) = NEW cl_gen_ebpp_notification( ). CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_OTF' EXPORTING format = 'PDF' TABLES otf = it_otf_data lines = lt_lines cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_temp_directory( CHANGING temp_dir = lv_temp_dir ). cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ). CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING filename = gv_filename filetype = 'BIN' TABLES data_tab = lt_lines

openSAP: This Is SAP Fieldglass

Unit 1: Staffing and Services Procurement A BUYER is an organization that is looking to procure external workers. A SUPPLIER is an organization that provides external workers to a buyer organization. A WORKER is the person engaged to do work. In this case, the workers are represented by suppliers, who provide them to buyers. Workers can be further classified depending upon how the buyer chooses to engage them. For instance, if the buyer wants a worker to essentially be a temporary part of an internal team, the buyer will engage him or her as a CONTINGENT worker Now if the buyer wants to hire a worker to deliver a predefined service, the buyer will contract with the supplier and define the specifics of the service that the worker is to provide. In that case, the worker is engaged as a SERVICES worker and works to produce a specific deliverable, for a specific project, in a certain timeframe. Thus, his or her duties are managed not by the company but by the contract, called a Stateme

openSAP: The Business Opportunities of a Digitally Transformed Economy

The Shift Towards an Economy of Algorithms The Resilient Enterprise: Customer Centricity Customer centricity: a business model transformation Individualized customer service is at the heart of the transformed enterprise. The Resilient Enterprise: External Factors Softening the impact of external factors Move into the subscription economy, selling services instead of products  Embedded data (external factors) for insight-driven decisions and faster reactions IOT – remote monitoring  Connected supply chain & network Business model transformation  Consequence on core processes  IT orchestration The Profitable Enterprise Increase efficiency “Doing things right” Accelerate execution  Automate process steps  Data entry -> Decisions derived from various sources Digitalize tasks External digital service Increase effectiveness “Doing the right thing” De-layer processes Embedded analytics Automated approvals Raise process intelligence Advanced and predictive algorithms Digital data source

openSAP: Business Success with Climate Action

Climate Action – The Situation for Businesses A good overview of how the new products are introduced and presented to publicity ( start from the challenge, provide background, explain your role and how you manage the challenges ( with categories and processes), provide a demo, and tell about co-Pillot, sell the services ). The presentation with a perfect and clear structure.  It has no technical information to see the design of the solution. It would be interesting for consultants and developers. Link: Situation – Sustainability in demand  Sustainability trends are shifting markets  Consumers are shifting to more sustainable products and services  Investors are looking at agility and resilience Climate action challenges and how they impact business UN Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Action SAP has integrated the UN SDGs into its purpose Enabling customers to make positive impact through SAP technology and leading by example SAP’s purpose a

Logistics Invoice Verification[rev]

Invoice management Account Determination Revaluation GR/IR Clearing Account Maintenance Material revaluation Material revaluation in consignment settlement ERS  ERS process - MRRL - Currency determination How to set up the Evaluated Receipt Settlement - ERS Invoice reduction Credit Memos and Reversals Credit Memo Reversal Returns Posting Credit Memos and Invoices for Returns Settling Delivery and Returns Items Posting Returns Additional information 628468 - MIRO: Incomplete MM documents 963185 - MM-IV: Tolerance check when you enter or release invoices 10757 - FAQ: MR11, clear GR/IR clearing account 790426 - MR11: Functionality 184632 - MR11: Account maintenance in GR-based IV 3061836 - MR11 GR/IR Clearing Account determination / Account Movements 2839847 - MIRO: Payment method not derived from the vendor master data 2036775 - Duplicate Invoice Check in Logistics Invoice Verification 2572664 - MIRO: Invoice blocked due to date variance 2948075 - MIRO/MIR7: Invoice Verification with man